Middle-class white Americans think that history is something that happened a long time ago, mostly to other people.
They are encouraged in this by an educational system that avoids dealing with anything more recent than 1980, because it is "controversial". Nothing in the living memory of the parents of school children is taught. Otherwise they might disagree with the accepted Whig view that the natural arc of history bends towards America.
Nominally, high school US history courses tend to be split into 1620-1870 and 1870-2000. They get equal weight... but there's always a crunch towards the end of the year, so the last couple of decades get short shrift. All you need to know, kids, is that Ronald Reagan defeated the Evil Empire and the Berlin Wall was taken down, then there were computers and cable TV. Time for a test!
Anyway, that's how we got here.
#USA #history #education