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Announced by the #curl project back in March 2023. We deem it severity Low.

NVD, in their infinite wisdom, thinks this is a CRITICAL 9.8 flaw:

I wish I knew how to fix this annoying problem but talking or whining to NVD certainly does not seem to help.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

After my complaint the NVD has "downgraded" it to a 7.5 (high).

My response: you are scaremongering. It is not a high either.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

100% agreed that the CVSS scoring system and "assume the worst" guidance makes for scores that do not accurately reflect importance. Especially for very broad-use things.

My take on this is that. like it or not, more open source projects of note need to become "CNA" (certificate numbering authorities) of their own which I understand can given them some control over the content of CVEs filed against their project.

#cve #cvss #cna #oss

#oss #cve #cvss #CNA
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I feel your frustration. I've been dragged into the CVE mess recently for Linux kernel issues. So many low quality reports, and incorrect conclusions about exploitability. It's a huge time sink for orgs that are told they must act on every CVE.