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Senior Product Designer, Accessibility - Grammarly | Jobs…
in reply to David Goldfield

Wow this is promising, how is their chrome extension and other products right now? Is it screen reader #Accessible
in reply to Kaveinthran

@kaveinthran I've heard that it's not very accessible but I haven't tried it. I suppose that the fact that they're wanting to expand their accessibility team is a positive sign.
in reply to David Goldfield

And I feel like they're doing it right way, not just hacking it on their own and messing things up
in reply to David Goldfield

Yes, this is what they replied to me when I ask about accessibility state as for today
Hi! Thank you for asking. We still have some tweaks to make, but you can try using your preferred assistive software with the Grammarly Editor and Grammarly for Windows and Mac. Our Accessibility Statement has more information:…

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