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Items tagged with: accessible

Amos Miller of Glidance released a new amazing video showing the capability of Glide, the mobility tool that he has created. If you have not seen this new video, and by the way it is described, then I highly encourage you to check it out...…

#Blind #Mobility #AmosMiller #Glidance #Glide #Accessible

I have today off, (thanks Indigenous People!), so I've been spending it sending get-out-the-vote texts to #Democrats in Ohio and Arizona. If you're #Blind and looking for an #Accessible way to volunteer this election cycle, Campaign for Democracy is entirely virtual, lets you text on your own time, and only requires a device with a Web browser. (some familiarity with Discord also helps, but isn't required.) Learn more here:

The official #luesky app works fine with #voiceover on #ios for the most part. Everything is #accessible with some minor weirdness.

I think #Anki holds a great deal of potential for #blind learners of #languages and other subjects:

The desktop app uses Qt 6, so isn't entirely unusable. It's also fully open source.

The iOS app is extremely usable with VoiceOver, albeit relatively expensive for a mobile app at £24.99, and not open source.

The web interface is usable, but would currently cause people to think more about how to use it than the actual subject they were studying. Still, with some user scripting, it could be workable.

And finally, all Anki functionality is available via their Python library, which could be used in a command line app or more #accessible frontend.

Of course, the issue is always the time needed to take things from where they are now to where they need to be. And I suspect a significant challenge would be having screen readers speak/braille things in the correct language as hopefully declared by each flashcard.

#accessibility #language #languageLearning Keyboard Shortcuts... I just noticed that now has a few built in keyboard shortcuts. I am using Jaws and the Google Chrome browser. Please note, with Jaws, you do not have to turn off the virtual cursor or any changes have to be made. The keyboard shortcuts just work! Here are the shortcuts. ALT+/, Go to search. Shift+alt+C, go to cart. Shift+alt+H, go to home. Shift+alt+O, go to list of orders. That's it. Some is better than nothing. I know I will be using them! Happy shopping. #Amazon #Windows #Jaws #Keyboard #Shortcuts #Blind #Accessible

our #AirFryer is on its way out. Does anyone have any recommendations for one that is #accessible? So many of them are now #TouchScreen.

I work at a public administration with an obligation to keep its software and systems #accessible for its civil servants, who like me might be disabled, as well as for citizens who use its systems from the outside.

Recently, #Firefox stopped working with my screen reader, after it was updated to version 115. After some investigation, requiring the aid of a coworker and far more knowledge about computers and #accessibility than should be expected from a civil service end user, I worked out what was happening. Can you guess?

Someone had the brilliant idea to set, as group policy, the following Firefox directive: accessibility.forced_disabled: 1.

Yes, that does what you think it does. It disallows accessibility providers such as screen readers to connect to Firefox and use the APIs. Who thought this was a good idea and why?

Woohoo! I got rid of the unlabeled buttons visible in the Photos app by default. To do this, scroll all the way down to the bottom & double tap on the Customize & Reorder button. When on the next screen, double tap on Pinned Collections to deselect it, then double tap the Close button at the top of the screen & those pesky unlabeled buttons go away on the main screen of the Photos app. Hope this helps someone. #A11Y #Accessibility #Accessible #IOS18 #PhotosApp

Question to #blind people who use two #operatingSystems on your computer: How do you dual boot accessibly? I'm getting some help from someone to set up my #computer, and I'm trying to decide between just getting rid of #Windows or dual booting. If I dual boot, I'm thinking of buying a second hard drive just for #archLinux. It's expensive to get another hard drive, but this way I wouldn't need to get rid of #Windows11. Is there anything I would need to do to make this setup #accessible? How do you know when the menu to choose which OS you want comes up?
#tech #technology #Linux #accessibility @mastoblind @main

That was interesting. Still I wonder how #Accessible the RTL Belgium’s Magenta project might in fact be.

🔵 The Nonvisual Website
by Angelika Cathor @angelikatyborska
There's a treasure hidden somewhere on this website. But there is a catch.The content of this website is only #accessible with a #screenreader

To build the directory we could start with adding the programs from the #accessible installer section of the #ninite program.

Great Braille Game! I learned about this game from Holly Anderson of the Maccessibility Podcast.
Brailliance is a Braille version of the popular Wordle game with a little twist.
You are given the total number of dots in the word, and you have to guess what the word is by figuring out the letters in the word with each of your guesses.
For example. The word has a total of 10 dots.
So your first guess is tale, t, a, l, e.
It tells you that 3 of those letters are in the word, and one is not.
t, a, and l, are in the word, and the letter e is not.
Please note: those letters are part of the final word, but they do not have to be in that order.
So lets see, the letters t, a, and l, equal a total of 8 dots, so you only have 2 dots left to make the final word.
And you only have 4 letters left with 2 dots, b, c, i, and k.
So now it is just a process of elimination
For this word, the correct other letter was k. So the final word was talk, t, a, l, k.
The tough part is figuring out words that have a specific number of dots, but this gets easier the more you play.
Plus, to help you out, the total number of dots for each letter can be found on the letters of the on-screen keyboard.
So how good do you know your Braille? Ready to take the challenge?
Just like Wordle, there is a new puzzle every day, as well as some other puzzle packs that you can play on the side if you like.
The game is totally free, and does have a cost to get rid of ads if you want.
I actually find this game more fun and challenging as Wordle! So I highly recommend giving it a try.
Here is the app store link.…

#Game #Accessible #Wordle #Braille #Maccessibility #Blind

Apple gave us a great, #accessible graphing calculator on #iOS and #iPadOS in the form of math notes. Given, for example a quadratic function: y=2x^2 +x +1 it generates a graph which sounds like this. While such simple quadratic equations can be used only in schools I see huge potential in making math more accessible to the #blind. As a math nerd and someone who almost failed a year at school due to accessibility, I am really happy and grateful to #apple for making this accessible to us.

Hab ich Gas-Wasser-******* Folgende?

Die Rezeption meint, das wäre normal so. Ich nicht. In der Stellung kommt 70°C heißes Wasser aus der Leitung. Irgendwie ist das für mich falsch herum.

Gibt es in Frankreich andere Einbau Normen?

Ich würde hier bei Hahn nach rechts gedreht in Richtung blau immer kalt erwarten.

Es gibt in dem Hotel auch anders herum montierte. Wahrscheinlich je nachdem welcher Subunternehmer für welche Etage zuständig war.

Eure Meinung?

#fediPower #gws #accessible

We've been doing this a while. Let's SWING for the big leagues.
Tomorrow, we're doing a deep dive on #burpSuite from a #screenReader perspective. It will be mostly #blind (as in playthrough) as I've not looked at this program for a few years, and fully blind (as in sight) given ... well ... screenReader user :)

I've learned more, and hey who knows, maybe they've improved ......
If it turns out they haven't, we'll look at @zaproxy next as a more viable, generally more #accessible alternative. See you tomorrow at 3 EST over at #infosec #cybersecurity #zaproxy #portswigger #java #programming

Well ...that teaches me to go to sleep right after dropping an announcement like this :-O I did not expect even a tenth of the response this received, thank you all so much for that.
I realize the channel's looking kinda bare at present. The idea to do this os only a day or so old, so 🐻 with me while I set up an initial stream and such. If people are curious, the YouTube channel over at has a number of archived game streams from my gaming channel, where I tackle #accessible #gaming, as well as a playlist on last year's Advent of Cyber on the TryHackMe event where I go through the challenges with a screen reader, critique the accessibility of a lot of them and overall trialed the format I want to pursue on the IC_Null channel. If people need a preview, that's where you go :)

@FediVerseExplorer @WestphalDenn I am using web version of #element in @Firefox by default however #electron based apps are now accessible on #linux in a similar way as they are #accessible on #windows. So I think you will like it. Also #fractal a #gtk4 #matrix client developed with @GNOME technologies is accessible with #orca.

Can anyone recommend a good #accessible #RSS feed reader for #iPhone that does well with both text and audio #RSSFeeds? I recently subscribed to The Old Reader ( and like how it lets you add text RSS feeds, #podcasts, and #YouTube channels, and I'm looking for a good app for it on my phone. I've tried #lire, but it doesn't seem to work well with podcasts.
#TheOldReader #iOS #accessibility #technology #tech @mastoblind

Wow this is promising, how is their chrome extension and other products right now? Is it screen reader #Accessible

Next Wednesday discover how you can make your presentation and meeting slide decks more #accessible and inclusive!

Join #A11yCat @volkswagenchick, she will cover definitions, standards, guidelines, & practical tips & examples.
Wed Jan 17at 12pm ET… #a11y

RIMFest Is in Full Force, and There’s Free Admission!
For the next 12 days, Everyone gets a chance to take #RemoteIncidentManager for a spin, absolutely free! Provide remote support to friends, family or anyone else via the world's only fully #accessible remote support program, absolutely free! Download your copy to your PC or Mac today, click the “Provide Help Now” button, register! Easy as one two three!………

Thanks so much to everyone who has voted for their top 10 #holiday songs. We have well over 300 tracks voted for now, and we’re going to play the top 100 in a live 10 hour #Christmas party this Saturday, complete with plenty of fun Mastodon interaction using the #MushroomFM hashtag.
I took a sneaky look at the chart as it currently stands, and mate, there’s everything to play for. Things are close enough right now that I wouldn’t guarantee that the song currently at the top of the charts will stay there.
So, if you’ve not voted yet, it’s quick and #accessible.
We’re honoured to have the chance each year to bring a bit of fun and #festive cheer into the world and look forward to many of our Mastodon friends joining us. Ready to vote? I hope so because you only have until 11:59 PM US Eastern time on Thursday. Then the chart closes and we get to work on putting the live show together. Head over to

An old high school PowerPoint

This was an old PowerPoint I created for high school. I wanted to make it as fun and accessible as possible, so I wouldn't have to read off everything right there. We were tasked to do a PowerPoint about a state that we picked and for some reason, I chose Hawaii. I still have no idea why to this day.

A11yTalks tomorrow!!
Have you ever wondered how the A11yTalks team, month after month, delivers #accessible online events?

Tune into: Behind the Stream - How A11yTalks Creates Accessible Virtual Events
November 28th, 12PM (ET)

@Matthias ✔ Ah yes now I understand. Unfortunatelly that part is not yet #screenreaders #accessible thus when using up and down arrow keys to make the choice I don't know what I'm selecting. I'll first try to look into it my-self and if I won't be able to fix it on my own I'll file it as a feature request then.
Thanks for your patience explaining this feature to me.

I've written a #tutorial on how to program #accessible #native #gui #windows applications in #rust using the native-windows-gui library:

Also available in Spanish:…

#a11y #programming

@mk360 @Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox 115 #supernova is verry #accessible. Loads of #a11y related issues have been adressed since the new face lift has started within #Thunderbird 111.

I’m a Blind technologist and i’ve built the Dimensions Lab for #accessible tactile graphics and #3d models at New York Public Library. With the right tools, skill-building opps and community support, Blind people can break out of image poverty and excel at spatial thinking + design. This is me waving hello to folks in #Vis #Art #Graphics & #CreativeCoding…

A question on behalf of a friend: which appearance theme for the LuCI GUI for #OpenWRT is the most #accessible with screen readers? Any other tips on how to make this experience more accessible?
#OpenSource #Blind #Router

Hey folks, time for the monthly open Q&A. "I'm Perplexed, What's Next"
This meet-up will happen Saturday 24th June, 8PM UK, 3PM Eastern.
This is the session where you can ask Scott and JennyK questions about #REAPER, #OSARA, or pretty much anything around #accessible recording. Newcomers with questions always get top priority, so drop in and tell us about what's tripping you up. We'll spend a couple of hours helping as many as we can.

As long as there is coffee in the JennyK lair and hopefully a shay holding down the fort on YouTube it will be another great Q&A. :D
Read all the details, find tips and tricks to tweak TeamTalk so it behaves, and more at
See ya Saturday.


Hello! I would like to invite everyone to join the #Accessible #Apple community on Discord. This server is dedicated to current and future #blind and/or #VisuallyImpaired users of #iPhone, #Mac, #Apple Watch and other #Apple products who would like to get the most out of their devices. If that's something you are interested in, give us a shot!!
Now to some FAQ that I guess will be asked over and over.
Q: There's only one administrator and that's you.
A: Yeah, but there's no point as there's literally noone else there, yet.
Q: Where are the rules?
A: They are not existent yet. Just please be a human.
Q: What's the point if there's AppleVis?
A: AppleVis was, and still is a great resource if it comes to stuff like APp directories, curated list of resources, podcasts ETC, however the forum features are suboptimal, especially for mobile usage. I have spoken to many people who are newcomers to the #Apple ecosystem and using the AppleVis website turned out to be harder than using their shiny new device itself.

Please keep in mind that the server is in a test stage, many things can happen, including channel deletions/additions, moderation appointments or server deletion in case there's no real interest. If you have any suggestions how could I improve it or if you would like to help me moderate, please reach out.
I kindly ask everyone to boost it to gauge interest. #accessibility #a11y #blind

My new favorite way of doing the whole #RSS thing is a combination of and lire on iOS set to sync mode. A great, #accessible combination that covers desktop and mobile consumption, and it's worked so well that I've finally fallen squarely into the habit of leveraging RSS feeds for news and events primarily.
For some good lists of RSS feeds to add, check out:…
And don't forget Mastodon and YouTube have builtin RSS, too!

This actually runs in fairly #accessible #Juce anyway, so you don't *need* Komplete Kontrol to use it.

It's that time again. :)

This months #Reaper made easy Meet-up will happen on Saturday 27th May, 8PM UK, 3PM Eastern.
Join us for May's edition of "I'm Perplexed, What's Next", an open Q&A session where you can ask anything about REAPER, OSARA or #accessible recording. Questions big or small are welcome from anyone with any amount of experience. We'll be online for a couple of hours, helping as many people with as much as we can.
Details on this Q&A and other goodies can be found on
See you there. :)
Scott and JennyK

Here's one of, if not *the* most #accessible #drum #library for #Kontakt from a #blind #producer point of view. Using #KompleteKontrol (or Kontakt directly if preferred), every aspect of the kit is usable, from kit-piece selection, to all the microphone adjustments you could wish to make.
Kit demo:…

Sun Drums NKS Walkthrough:…

Aiko iOS app, totally free, Hi quality transcription, all performed on your device for privacy. This app was mentioned in the latest AppleVis Newsletter, so it is totally accessible. Just know that the app is kind of large, it is 2 GB in size. Probably because it does everything on the device, and all of the languages it supports.

Description from the app store followed by the link.
High-quality on-device transcription. Easily convert speech to text from meetings, lectures, and more.
The transcription is powered by OpenAI's Whisper running locally on your device. The audio never leaves your device. You can export the transcription as subtitles too. Aiko favors accuracy over speed.
Supports 100 different languages.
The app was made possible thanks to Whisper by OpenAI and whisper.cpp by Georgi Gerganov.
■ FAQ ‣ Can I edit the text in the app? I don't plan to support any editing. Export the transcription and edit it in a proper text editor.
‣ Why is the app so large? The app delivers the highest quality transcription on the market for 100 different languages. Rather than asking why it's so large, the real question is how is it so small.
‣ Why is the transcription so slow? The favors accuracy over speed. However, performance is expected to improve in the coming months.
‣ Can I delete some of the languages to save space? This is unfortunately not possible. The model has all the languages stored together in a way that makes it impossible to remove just some languages. More FAQs on the website.
■ Technical details The app uses the Whisper medium or small model depending on available memory.
■ Support You can contact me through the feedback button in the app or at…

#Aiko #iOS #Quality #Transcription #Free #Blind #Accessible