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Attention Covid cautious/Covid vulnerable convention participants: As a Covid cautious/vulnerable person myself who is considering attending her first Convention in-person soon, I am interested in how you all take precautions to keep yourselves as healthy as possible during the event, since it seems, from what I can tell, we’re pretty much on our own with this now. Please get in touch. Health-privileged folks, please feel free to pass this inquiry on. Thanks. #NFB24
in reply to Misty-don πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ¦―

Always keep masks in your bag. Hand sanitizer is great! But it dries out your hand. I prefer to use gloves whenever possible, but it is more wasteful. gaet to places, and if possible, leave early to avoid elevator crowding. If you can't, then give yourself time to wait. Elevators are the worst, since so many people crowd themselves in to tightly. If possible, sit towards the back of the room, there is a lot more space there.