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[Thread]New article "Safer Hospital Care for Severe ME".…

Of course many of the tips are relevant to patients of all severities.

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #SevereME @severeme @mecfs


in reply to Tom Kindlon

👂LISTEN to people with #MyalgicE and their carers👂

It is crucial to have personalised care plans incorporating their needs, coming from lived experiences of symptom management. Do not ignore requests to protect patients from #PEM.
From Safer Hospital Care for People with #SevereME:

@severeme @mecfs

in reply to Tom Kindlon


✏️EDUCATE healthcare staff🧑‍⚕️

Provide comprehensive training and up-to-date scientific understanding of ME. Discredited treatments CBT and GET are inappropriate.

Read more: #SevereMEDay #SevereME
#mecfs @severeme @mecfs

in reply to Tom Kindlon

To create safer environment for people with #SevereME, 🗣️ always allow ADVOCATES 🗣️. Speaking takes immense energy for people with Severe ME and some are unable to speak. Obtain consent to have a family member or advocacy worker to speak on their behalf. #MECFS #SevereMEDay
@severeme @mecfs
in reply to Tom Kindlon


😌Pace, Pace and PACE😌 Prioritise resting. Undisturbed sleep is vital to prevent decline. Eliminate all non-essential interaction, move slowly and quietly around the patient. #MECFS #SevereMEDay
@severeme @mecfs

in reply to Tom Kindlon


🔇Sensory safe environment🕶️ Provide private, soundproofed, and dimly lit rooms. Reduce smells, sensory overload, and physical contact to minimise post-exertional malaise (PEM).

#SevereMEDay #MECFS #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
@severeme @mecfs

in reply to Tom Kindlon


People with #SevereME may have acute food intolerances & struggle to swallow or digest. Malnutrition can be fatal. Special diets, flexible meal times, IV hydration & tube feeding in adjusted feeding positions can all be life saving. Safer hospital care is possible. #SevereMEDay @severeme @mecfs