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Shocking but not surprising: New #Microsoft #Outlook is phishing **your mail account credentials** without telling you, all it takes is try it out once. So, don't.
As always, better go with FOSS: @thunderbird

Usually phishing comes from shady people that need to jump through some hoops to try and get you. #Microsoft just thinks they can rob you in broad daylight.. crazy.

in reply to ObsPy Dev Team :python:

Unfortunately, there is not, to the best of my knowledge, an open source alternative for iOS.
in reply to Camilo Botero

@camilobotero We plan on changing that with Thunderbird for iOS, starting with alpha code in 2024! 🎉 📱
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

That’s the attitude! I would love to be an alpha/beta tester. Please, let me know if that’s possible :)
I know you’ll release it next year, starting with an Alpha version, I am just excited with the news!