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Alice shares her three favorite features in Tutanota. 🥰

What are yours?

Why do you ❤️ Tutanota?

in reply to Tuta

favorite feature is not yet rolled out. Easy migratiin from gmail and

Not being able to port mail history is a _massive_ blocker for peopke to migrate...

in reply to fellmoon 🏴

@fellmoon true story. That’s what keeping me from migrating. Not from Google but still…
in reply to Landor Dragen

@Iandordragen it is the number one thing that makes it impossible to me to recommend them for years, simply because this is always the requirement people have I talk to...
in reply to fellmoon 🏴

@fellmoon I haven’t pulled the trigger on that 24 months for 12 months price they have mainly because of that. Same for much of my family and friends who like everything about Tutanota, apart from that.
in reply to Landor Dragen

@Iandordragen @fellmoon Thanks for your feedback, you are absolutely right. You can already import contact & calendar; and we're working on email import. So hopefully the wait will be over soon!
in reply to Tuta

- Privacy - all our data is being sold by corporations like we were livestock - all data!

- Open source - because that is the ultimate state of digital freedom for humanity now and even more in future - not capitalist AI surveillance dictatorship behind closed source!

- Minimalist design - I don't want bloated email service with all kinds of functions (yes, I don't want my cookbook integrated into my email service). You can't handle security at high levels any more.

Schöne Grüße.

in reply to Tuta

1. Open source 2. Price 3. Mobile app.

Still waiting for full offline mode, tasks and notes.

in reply to Tuta

1. fully encrypted mailbox
2. exchange of encrypted emails with non-Tutanota users via encrypted mailboxes (not only single messages as other email providers do)
3. pleasant design 🤗
in reply to Tuta

1. Encryption (All of them)
2. Open Source Mobile APP ( At fdroid)
3. U2F
in reply to Tuta

The F-Droid app! Not a feature , but definitely what made me choose #Tutanota over Protonmail