Items tagged with: tutanota


Items tagged with: tutanota

Has anyone had trouble accessing @Tutanota ?
I can't login through the Android app or web version. Their website isn't loading for me, either.

#tuta #TutaMail #tutanota

@Cnoceda you can use your own email account or server as long as the provider allows you to use 3rd party email clients (ex. #outlook doesn't work, #protonmail and #tutanota doesn't allow it, etc)

About #ArcaneChat, yes you can import your profile from #DeltaChat
to ArcaneChat and the other way around, they are fully compatible


@Tutanota Hello, last month, I canceled my subscription before it expired. So the payment would not automatically renew. Yesterday, when I logged into my account, I received a warning that I would not be able to receive or send emails unless I paid. So I decided to renew my entire subscription. I paid for 1 year. But today I saw that it was still on the Free plan. So I can't write to you directly. Please solve the problem. #tuta #tutanota

Please be aware that there is a nefarious e-mail targeting @Tutanota users.

The sender is "" (or variations thereof), and there is a pdf attached.

Do *NOT* download and/or open the pdf.
Mark as spam/phishing and delete.

#tutanota #tuta #security

Registered for #tutanota mail today, tested it, liked it. 3 dollar per month seems fair (after all, I just want mail - no VPN, no password manager, no bullshit) Wanted to import my existing mails, but that is only possible if I pay $9 per month.

Sorry, @Tutanota. But that's greedy. If I cannot import my mails as a paying customer and have to keep my old provider for mail history, than I won't switch. I don't want to pay for 2 accounts.


Hallo Tuta Team! 👋

Ich dachte, es sollte aber diesem Jahr keine unerwünschte Werbung mehr von euch für zahlende Kunden geben?

Jetzt habe ich wieder die neue Nachricht "Spread Love & Tuta Updates / s.u. für deutsche Version" von euch erhalten.

Ich möchte das **nicht** … wieso ist es so schwer, seine zahlenden Nutzenden bei sowas eine Wahl zu lassen, ob sie das wollen oder nicht?
Inzwischen empfinde ich es als #Belästigung, denn ich kann es weder filtern noch abschalten.

Möchtet ihr mich zukünftig nicht als zahlenden Kunden?

Ich bin sauer!

#Tuta #Tutanota #Werbung

@Tutanota Just switched over from Proton and so far liking the service, but I've sent two messages to support since I created my account yesterday asking for family mode to be enabled on my account with no response back. I've got mailboxes to set up and right now some are bouncing.

If you want my ongoing business, you're going to have to do better at support than this level of responsiveness.

#tuta #tutanota

That's a terrible idea if you care about security and privacy, and if you don't, you're probably not using #Tutanota.
I guess it's nice to have as an option, but please #Tuta do not enable this by default.

@Natanox @ErikUden @ZachWeinersmith @IAmDannyBoling @aral

Thanks @Homebrewandhacking for providing the artist's info.

Probably a good time to remind @Tutanota that providing attribution when you post the artwork of other people is not only common decency but also a condition of using the Mastodon server:

"Content created by others must clearly provide a reference to the author, creator, or source."

There are already people referring to this as "your" cartoon.

#TutaNota #smbc #privacy #art

heres a simple color flip of default dark theme on #tuta #tutanota which i discover by accident. i like the crimson shade of red and darker gray elements.

wish @Tutanota would consider adding it as fourth option

Tuta Mail values privacy, with strong encryption and a commitment to keeping user data safe. It's a secure choice for protecting privacy.
#Tutanota #DataPrivacyDay

Tuta offers a terrific secure e-mail platform and a generous allotment of storage even for free users. #privacy matters. #Tuta #Tutanota

🚨#BREAKING: EU Bans Personalized Ads on #Facebook & #Instagram 💪

Or: How the small country of Norway has brought down Meta

1. Impose a fine of €90.000 per day on Meta for personalized ads. ✅

2. Make the fine temporary and call on EU orgs to check whether Meat violates the EU GDPR privacy protection rules. ✅

3. EU threatens with fines of up to 4% of #Meta's global turnover. ✅

More 👉…

BTW: #Tutanota comes with zero ads, but maximum privacy! 😎🥰

@Tutanota is there a way left to connect to tutanota over Tor?
New wasm frontend made Tor browser incompatible because WASM, and the desktop app does not have proxy settings and is not handled by torsocks properly.

#privacy #tor #tutanota

Hey, @Tutanota, could we have custom time periods for event reminders, please? :mastoinnocent:

I'd really love to get a reminder exactly 2.5 hours before an event, but currently, I can only choose between 30 minutes, 1 hour and 1 day. Also, the earliest reminder is 1 week before the event, so there's no way to have #Tutanota remind me a couple weeks before someone's birthday to buy a present… :mastosob:

Allowing a custom number before the noun shouldn't be too hard, I think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The F-Droid app! Not a feature , but definitely what made me choose #Tutanota over Protonmail

people dont sign up on your email service because once you sign up, you cant use it , you have to wait for days or months for it to be active. I mean but who creates a service or app like that with no ease of use?! Wish it was a great service but stopped going to their website a long time ago, dont want to be stood up

FINALLY, #Tutanota lets us bulk-export multiple/all e-mails in a folder! Just tick the check mark at the top and hit the download icon. After waiting for a moment, you'll get a .zip archive containing all the .eml files.

#QT @Tutanota…

Release time (web & desktop)! 🥳

- Buttons to reply etc. stay at the top while you scroll
- You can select all emails in a folder
- You can preview a long file name before downloading

How do you like these small improvements?

I want to switch from Premium to Teams account but I'm hesitant, very worried about the EU passing Chatcontrol. I love #Tutanota , I hope the security and the privacy is not going to be compromised, ever :(

While #Google #Meta #Microsoft #Twitter & #Amazon are laying off tens of thousands of people to satisfy shareholders, #Tutanota continues to grow.

Welcome with us Wren, Johannes & Noah! 🥳

Join us if you are a developer wanting to fight for #privacy!…

- I'm not competing as I run #SailfishOS on my phones.

I am using #Tutanota for my mail mainly because I want to stay away from the big tech companies (like google and apple).

The android app works (but it's a bit unstable) on my phone. I've given up on you ever making a native app for the OS I like and, more importantly, trust. But a sliver of paradise is nonetheless better than all of hell.

....and I can always communicate safely with my daughters wherever they travel. 🔒

Check out the recording of our webinar for #GlobalEncryptionDay: Why Encryption Matters and How We Can Safeguard Data in the Wake of Quantum Computers! 😎🔐

#GED2022 #FightforPrivacy #Tutanota…

Thanks everyone for joining us during the webinar, for asking your questions, and - most importantly - for fighting for encryption with us! ♥️💪🔐

I just read #Tutanota's privacy policy, and honestly, I found it really well-written and understandable – well done!

I read it because I got a notification from them asking me to enable first-party (!) analytics. As a developer myself (c.f. @pixelcodeapps), I understand how valuable analytics and stats can be, so I consented.

Maybe you could explain in more detail what you mean by those “certain user actions” that you want to know more about, @Tutanota?