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It's 2024.

You go to compile a CLI chat utility.

It sucks down 600 dependencies, eats gigabytes of RAM while compiling, and pegs your CPUs.

Done compiling; you run it, it's perfect, does everything you need.

Memory footprint: 86 MiB.

This is fine?!?!?!?!????

*scratches head*

in reply to Captain Steph :php:


* does a DDG for "zed"
* sees a mention of Sh*tHub Copilot

in reply to Captain Steph :php:


I don't understand how any self-respecting dev generates code with microshaft's AI.

Skipping the question of code quality entirely, that crap was stolen from copyrighted code ("training data"), some of it even GPL-licensed.

Microsnot's "If it's on the internet, it's a free-for-all" attitude needs to be responded to with the world's largest legal wedgie.

in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Copilot is what convinced me to ditch Micro$oft altogether, which I've done.

Actually, for personal use, I think my iPhone is the only thing left I use from Big Tech… I don't use Google for anything and I don't have any streaming services or mainstream social media… Hm I guess qutebrowser does use chromium under the hood though. Wish I had a good alternative that does what I need.

in reply to Amin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

@amin @sirber

Qutebrowser is really tempting, but I don't want to add to that #Blink hegemony.

Firefox plus an add-on like vimium-C is a very imperfect solution.

Luakit is probably the most ideologically un-compromised, but not as enjoyable to use.

in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

I'm… honestly getting so frustrated with Mozilla these days that I hardly see it as better other than as a way to keep web standards working by having competing browsers.
in reply to Amin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

@amin @sirber

I mean, Mozilla *entirely* exists today because Google sees it in their best interest to keep their main competitor funded (but not strong).

This is a hilariously tragic situation.

Your frustration is entirely relatable.

in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@amin @sirber

Mozilla leadership is gimping the whole company. Millions of (Google's) dollars get paid to the C levels.

I'm just hoping that Firefox forks get mature enough so I can switch over in case the company sink. But then my daily drivers sometimes have to deal with DRM bullshits and afaik those forks aren't supporting Widevine.

in reply to Andrew

@antran22 @amin @sirber

I don't mean to poo-pooh a very respectable labor of love, but I just don't see how a small community effort can possibly manage that massive, sprawling codebase.

Modern web browsers are of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations. 😮‍💨

in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

gemini is sadly not great, and mostly because it's a not so great fork of the internet, it's not something a small community effort can really manage.
in reply to sotolf

@sotolf @spaceraser @antran22 @amin @sirber

Why don't you think a small community can manage Gemini? I'd think it the perfect size for a community effort, even a single person, as its definition is very minimal.

in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

I've seen the results, there is nothing to read on there, except posts about gemini :p and that kind of navelgazing is not really interesting to me.
in reply to sotolf

@sotolf @spaceraser @antran22 @amin @sirber

I don't see it as navelgazing, but rather the very standard small-hobby phenomenon that a lot of the conversations are about the hobby itself and how to get going.

It's the same thing with #AmateurRadio; most of the conversations you'll hear on air are about equipment.

in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

I don't do amateur radio either :p And that's one of the reasons, it just gets so tiring not seeing anything else than one thing everywhere, I spent a couple of evenings on gemini, and found nothing else than stuff writing about gemini and found out it's not really interesting, the interesting thing about the internet is to read about a lot of things that I find interesting, not the act of reading words on a page, I don't really care about the protocol it went through to get there, I care about the communication. The medium isn't something that is worth it. And I still don't see what makes gemini any better than just no js normal http, it works well, it's simple enough.
in reply to sotolf

@sotolf @spaceraser @antran22 @amin @sirber

Gemini experiences the typical catch-22 of a new protocol. Not enough interest so not enough users, so not enough interest.

Same goes for PeerTube.

It takes serious dedication to go against the current of what's popular.

in reply to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

The thing that makes gemini so bad is that it could just have used normal html, and you would be able to just have so much more stuff from the get go, but no, they had to go with a totally proprietary format that isn't supported for anything else. which makes it impossible to browse with a normal browser, and just makes the pickup even less. I'm all for simple non bloated pages, but gemini is not the right way to go.
in reply to sotolf

@sotolf @spaceraser @antran22 @amin @sirber

I mean, it's not PROPRIETARY in the gnarly sense, it's just different.

The whole point was that it was just supposed to be a little nicer than gopher, but not nearly as complicated as www.

Also, it has encryption and very simple authentication.

It's honestly pretty elegant.

in reply to mirabilos

practically nothing in Gemini is elegant.

Half is constipated and deliberately constricted, half is ideologically forced to something modern, unportable, that’s getting ossified and unmaintainable within the next decade.

in reply to mirabilos

Yeah, there is something about the ideology that really rubs against my hairs as well, I'm not the zealot type, so I just first and foremost want something that works, and for something focused on text or some other media, it's the media itself that is important, how that gets delivered is not really interesting.

And I do links and in context images, I hate just the links and you have to click every one of them to get to the image, and then you forgot the context of the image before you loaded it, and if the text refers to the image you will have to redo that dance again and again, if you're going to learn something.

in reply to sotolf

the Gemini-proprietary file format is just anothet ugh! thing I hadn’t even addressed yet, but it also a dead-on-arrival indicator, yes, definitely.
in reply to mirabilos

I have my issues with Gemini but calling a markup format with an open standard and multiple conformant implementations “proprietary” is just misleading.
in reply to Seirdy

it's a format that is created for and only used for this application, it's per definition proprietary.
in reply to sotolf

by that logic, HTML was proprietary when it was created for the Web. There are multiple applications that consume gemtext: every Gemini client; numerous Web CMSes that can render gemtext (Werc, kineto, and some others); multiple conversion utilities; etc.

Perhaps the word you’re looking for is “new” and not “proprietary” given that it has a standards-driven ecosystem that isn’t tied to a single software or vendor.

in reply to Seirdy

By your definition, almost all programming languages are proprietary, even those with a specification and multiple implementations