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Items tagged with: Gemini

A year ago I clarified my views on the #gemini protocol. I have since been told many times that I have misunderstood it. Sure.…

Please recommend a light-weight web browser for static sites with the following features:

1)Lightweight layout engine: not one of the Big Three.

2)Dark mode: I need all pages to show a dark background (preferably true black) with light text. No exceptions. If I encounter a page with light-themed CSS, I want some feature equivalent to the Dark Reader extension that major browsers have.

3)Graphical: I want to be able to navigate with a mouse, not just a the terminal.

4)Not developed primarily by a bigot. So no Pale Moon (and Pale Moon's Goanna engine isn't really lightweight, it's just slightly less heavy than the big three).

Also note that I'm specifically looking for a web browser with these criteria: for Gemini/Spartan/similar protocols I already have Lagrange.

#WebBrowsers #StaticSite #StaticWeb #StaticWebsite #LiteBrowser #LightweightBrowser #Web1 #Web1_0 #Smalnet #Gemini #GeminiProtocol #Spartan #SpartanProtocol

On Tech Talk this week, I had a great conversation with Troy Otilio from @AiraVI about their new Access AI feature, which has recently been released as a beta in the Aira Explorer app. We spoke about where this feature came from, the impact the use of AI has on privacy, and so much more about AI and Aira in general. Have a listen here or wherever you get your podcasts…

@rnib #aira #AccessAI #AI #chatGPT #gemini #blind #accessibility #podcast

Please check out the @dillo browser!

I feel it's the most lightweight and charming browsers I've ever used.

#gemini and #gopher support through plugins!

I think it may have a very powerful and possibly language-agnostic plugin system--maybe fun to develop for.

On Sunday 25 February 2024 I have to change the certificates of my Gemini capsule. You can accept those new certs (despite the red warning popup in your gemini browser), there is nothing suspicious going on. This is because of a server change from gmid to gemserv by int80h.

Here is an article going into more detail:…

Boost appreciated!

#Gemini #GeminiProtocol #GeminiCapsule #Certificate

Now, this is really cool! 1000000 tokens per context window? Wow!… #gemini #llm #ai #google

« Et si on faisait du web comme en 1999, ou presque ? »…

Avec du #Gemini dedans (mais pas que).

I closed the #gemini PR for #curl just now with no action, but I'm encouraging a new one to get filed later on when ready for the next step:……

I've put together a survey about the Small Internet (#gopher, #gemini, individual webpages, small community sites) and I would love your input. If you are a small internet user, please spend a few minutes and fill in your thoughts. I'm especially interested in the open response questions. This will help inform an upcoming conference talk I'll be giving at

Also, please boost this on fedi as much as possible and feel free to re-share on other social networks and in other communities. The more responses the better.

#smallweb #smallinternet

Gemini markup (#gemtext) is also being used creatively in other ways, such as the #lichen project to build websites.

This clearly llustrates how thoughtful design can result a nice user experience:


#gemini #programming #C
I'm creating a new Gemini browser in C with Ncurses, named (very creatively) Gemcurses.

It's actually my first project in C, so my code is messy and I'm sure it has a ton of bugs, but it somewhat works!

It requires only Ncurses and OpenSSL libraries.

Feel free to check it out, and tell me what you think and what i need to fix/change/add :)

Since I write my blog posts in the gemtext format (before HTML conversion), I find them more readable. No inline links avoid hidden links within a text.

Gemtext is the format of the Gemini protocol, like HTML is the format for http protocol.

What is the #Gemini protocol? Here is a good explanation and introduction

Now that I'm on a new instance, I'll write a new #introduction.

I am a follower of Jesus, mutualist hobbyist programmer, and sysadmin (in that order). I'm passionate about #CooperativeTechnology, #smalltech, and liberating people all around within and without technology.

I'm interested in alternative internet protocols (#Gemini), mobile Linux, real sustainability, and various computer languages (including #Rust and #Zig).

Also hosting! Join us if you'd like. 🙂