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New update: #LibreOffice 7.3.3 is now available, with over 80 bugfixes and compatibility improvements. Get it here:…
Unknown parent

Not sure what you mean – Office 98 certainly didn't have a tabbed interface, like this... (And you know you can change the icon theme too, right?)
Unknown parent

It may be a very old release indeed – LibreOffice has had the NotebookBar for a few years. (View > User Interface > Tabbed)
in reply to LibreOffice

do you have any plan to make a cloud based Libreoffice version ? I think that would open many possibilities to Linux world.
in reply to typhoon

Hi, it has existed for years:… – And there are products based on it:…
in reply to LibreOffice

thanks for the response! Possibly I did not came across to that, I will check it 👍