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Wow, English-only people (or Western languages, for that matter) are so naïve. In case you didn't know, the lang attribute is very important in East Asian languages.…

#CJK #language #EastAsian

in reply to 洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

Serious question. How do platforms that accept user-generated content handle this?

Take Mastodon for example, if three users send a post, one in Chinese, one in Korean, one in Japanese, and the app is international, how would this be handled? How should this be handled?

Are apps targeting the Asian market rewquiring the user to correctly fill in the "language" field each time? Are you effectively required to include AI-based language detection in each product? Are browsers truly unable to figure this out on their own when there's no lang attribute present?

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki On the web, it's common to specify the lang attribute in the top-level <html> tag. Internationalized apps will prefer the user's locale setting.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki maston lets users specify a default language & change the language on a per-post basis when they are composing posts.