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Items tagged with: language

I may have asked this before, so forgive me if I have:
I'm looking for recommendations for a french-learning app for kids, and I just can't find what I want. We were using Duolingo kids, but I think they stopped supporting it - no new levels appeared.
Kiddo has #ADHD and responds well to gamification, but really doesn't like learning #french, so I want something he'll have fun with. #language #languagelearning

Weird #etymology: 'weird' originally meant fate or fortune. It got its modern meaning from the weird sisters, goddesses of fate. Because they were portrayed as uncanny, the word weird shifted its meaning.

Further back, it comes from a root *wer-, which means to turn. The idea of turning is often used for processes of becoming and the future: something *turns* into something, or *turns* out well.

The original meaning is still present in the suffix -ward, like backward and inward.


So apparently the term "patch" in software development comes from punched paper tape.

"Small corrections to the programmed sequence could be done by patching over portions of the paper tape and re-punching the holes in that section."…

#til #computers #development #language #history

One of the phrases that’s been popular in China this year according to this article:

For more context, people in China have been assembling plain white bread sandwiches to try to understand how we live in this part of the world, and they are posting through it (the idea of eating anything cold or raw, especially a vegetable, is seen as especially disgusting in the Chinese world, with some exceptions)…

#Food #China #Language #Chinese #Mandarin

Recently, "Very Finnish Problems" posted a very strange list of "fun facts about the #Finnish #language". As a linguist, I wasn't amused at all, and here, finally, comes my own version: probably not that "fun", but at least with some real facts.…

Let's get this show on the road, then. In my early days of composition, I used a #midi #programming #language called Zel, which I first found in June of 2001. In fact, you can still find it at its website! This youtube video is the first completed tune in Zel, from december of 2001. Its simple, I don't do any fancy synth tricks, except some delay on the final piano line, and it's rendered with my #Roland sc-8820. Well, i say simple, at least in comparison to what I'd pull off later.…

Hallo !Friendica Support,

wie ich gerade festgestellt habe, taucht mein Server in der Statistik auf Fediverse Observer als englischsprachig auf. Allerdings habe ich sowohl im Admin-Panel als auch in der local.config.php die Sprache auf Deutsch gestellt. Muss ich da sonst noch irgendwo etwas angeben? So wichtig ist es mir ja nicht, das es meist kein offener Server ist, aber eigenartig finde ich es schon.

#friendica #language

This has been going around on Twitter, but I neglected my community here :) I'm sorry about this :)
Tomorrow at noon EST, I will give a #talk on the #accessibility of #language #learning and #linguistics in general for #screenReader users as part of the a11yTalks event. This will be a public event with no need to register so if this is something any of you are interested in, here's the link :) #speaker #a11y

This seems to be becoming a habit of mine now as I begin to use Mastodon more and continue to learn more about it each day.

This one covers the options available to you when posting content such as Alt Text and Content Warnings but also talks about language settings and using filters to tidy up your timelines.

Any boosts will be greatly appreciated so we can help everyone get the most out of Mastodon.
#twittermigration #MastodonTips #accessibility #language #feditips

Mindblowing 🤯

#Whisper is an #openSource #speechRecognition model written in #Python by #OpenAI. I’ve just seen it in action. Extract an #mp3 from a video, run it through Whisper, and it turns every spoken word into text. It even does a very decent job in #Danish. Perfect for subtitling #TV and #video. I am very impressed.

#ai #language #transcription #speechToText

cargo careful: run your Rust code with extra careful debug checking by Ralf Jung:… #Rust #language

By the way, nowadays I usually refer to servers as gardens. I believe this will make owning a garden sound a lot less technical and a lot more fun. It would also create expectations of ease of use.

As example, freedombox and yunohost are aiming to be such garden operating systems. And Pioneer Freedombox is a garden.

#language #orange #digitalissues