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These are the kind of email notifications that we don't mind receiving. #i18n #l10n
in reply to Redfire

@redfire that's nice, but can you do anything to make syncing possible? That's the only thing missing in your service.
in reply to Michał

@Michal @redfire Itst not missing actually, with the necessary webserver, you can already do this! Please have a look here:
in reply to AntennaPod

@redfire it is unfortunately, gpodder is down for months, and doing it over nextcloud is too complicated for normal users.
in reply to Michał

We realise that the sync functionality currently available doesn't suit all types of AntennaPod users. It's on our radar and are thinking what we can do about it.
Running a synchronisation server ourselves would be a lot of work and responsibility for our small volunteer team. (Point in case: So we tread carefully.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)