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BT Speak Pro RAM Upgrade: Now 8 GB Standard, Special Offer for Existing Customers, 2024 ACB and NFB National Convention Discounts Available

We are pleased to announce an exciting upgrade to the BT Speak Pro. Effective immediately, all new BT Speak Pro devices will ship with 8 GB of RAM, enhancing performance and responsiveness in desktop mode.
If you currently own a BT Speak Pro with 4 GB of RAM, we're offering an exclusive opportunity to upgrade your device to 8 GB of RAM.
• Run multiple applications with improved performance
• Improved handling of resource-intensive tasks
• Performance improvements to streaming and multi-tab browsing
• Better overall multitasking performance
• Standard Upgrade Price: $150.00
• Special Convention Discount: $99.00 (Available at the 2024 NFB and ACB national conventions)
To Receive the Discounted Upgrade at the 2024 NFB or ACB National Convention:
• First, please back up important files to a thumb drive or micro SD card as the upgrade process erases all user created files.
• Save copies of any Voxin voice installers to external media, if applicable.
• Bring your BT Speak Pro to either convention. We’ll be performing upgrades at the booth during exhibit hours.
Unable to attend the conventions? Visit our Shop page on our Web site to place an order for the upgrade.…
If you need to order by phone, contact us at (772) 214-1616 for assistance in ordering the upgrade for your device.
Please note that the convention discount is only available for customers who are physically attending either the 2024 NFB or ACB national convention.
How to Copy Your Files to External Media
If you have files that you would like to copy to a thumb drive or SD card, here are the steps to do this.
1. Press O-chord, followed by the letter F to enter the file browser.
2. Point to a file that you’d like to move or copy and press the letter X to select it.
3. Move to the external medium that you’d like to copy or move the file to, such as an external thumb drive or a micro SD card.
4. Press the plus sign (dots 3-4-6) You will be asked whether the original file should be deleted, to which you can answer Y for Yes or N for No.

Enhance your BT Speak Pro experience today!

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in reply to Blazie Technologies

I just just got a new BT Speak at #NFB24, should I assume it has the ram upgrade or are the models at convention needing the upgrade too?
in reply to Steve Sawczyn

@SteveSawczyn you'll most likely need to upgrade it. I'm not there, so I'm not sure if the software upgrades are being done on the convention floor: If you need help upgrading though we're always happy to help.
in reply to Steve Sawczyn

@SteveSawczyn Sorry, I missread this as asking about the software upgrades; all units sold at convention have 8gb standard, as do alal units sold through our website as of the upgrade date.
in reply to aaron

@SteveSawczyn You should, yup. If you want to make absolutely sure, after installing the latest system upgrade, head to about device and look for memory size.
in reply to Steve Sawczyn

@SteveSawczyn I don't know who's monitoring the social media, but the team that's at convention is in transition to ACB from NFB. I'll see if chris'll answer my text mesage. hang on a sec. #nfb24.
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear Awesome, thanks. I'm not savvy enough with Linux to just verify this one way or the other, but if someone's still left here, I'd want to try and get the upgrade before leaving if possible.
in reply to Steve Sawczyn

@SteveSawczyn if your in general session, I am fully savvy to check it for you if we don't want to wait for chris to text me back. i'm over at ohio, dm me if we need to connect outside general sessions. #nfb24
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear @SteveSawczyn All units have 8gb as standard. Those sold at convention all have 8gb. To verify, head to about device in the system administration menu.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @SteveSawczyn I was going to show him that, I wasn't sure if he was a type instructions at me or a show me learner. #nfb24
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear @SteveSawczyn I wasn't sure how many people knew about that feature, or if you were going to use free -h
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @SteveSawczyn I just checked mine and I get no information on what ram is in itm, I'll check free -h
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @SteveSawczyn not from here. I'm still in Orlando. I know mine specifically does not.
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear @SteveSawczyn Most of our staff are at the conventions. I monitor and respond to Blazie Technologies social media posts but I've been out today for a few hours at Mass and only just got back online.