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#SpeechHistory for #NVDA has been updated for 2024.1 compatibility, and even includes a new feature!

You can now capture multiple speech history items in realtime, which is useful for e.g. bug reports without copying from the Speech Viewer. Press NVDA+Shift+F11 to start recording, use NVDA as normal, and then press NVDA+Shift+F12 to stop recording. All recorded speech will be copied to the clipboard, with items separated by a line break (`\n`).


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in reply to James Scholes

If you missed it yesterday, #SpeechHistory for #NVDA has been updated for 2024.1 compatibility, and includes a new speech recording feature. Use NVDA+Shift+F11 to start recording, and NVDA+Shift+F12 to stop, at which point the recorded speech will be copied to the clipboard.

Note that the add-on should also be listed in the Store soon.


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in reply to James Scholes

In March 2023, I submitted #SpeechHistory to the #NVDA Add-On Store, which at the time was very new. I ran into errors with the process NVAccess had in place, some of which were caused by problems with my submission. Unfortunately, my PR was closed before I had time to address them, and I didn't have the mental energy at the time to try again.

I gave it another go this week, now that the Store and related procedures have undergone a lot of testing and growth. This time, I needed to be approved as a new add-on submitter, which is a totally reasonable requirement. Unfortunately the process seemed to become stalled on the NVAccess side with no information as to why, including after a follow-up from me. (Edit: it seems that I was approved as a submitter on April 2nd, but without any indication from NVAccess that this had taken place, and without the original add-on submission actually being accepted.)

Thankfully, somebody from the community approached me privately tonight, and offered to submit the add-on using their existing trusted contributor status. The end result is that Speech History is now in the Store, and I guess I'll come back in 2025 and hope for third time lucky.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to James Scholes

Seems quite cumbersome even if the individual steps make sense. I hope @NVAccess does give you some communication about it eventually. Granted it's a small team and it's only been a couple of days, and I'm sure lots of devs are submitting 2024 addons around this time.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

@simon They are/have been, but most were auto-approved because of the known status of the author. My approval request was one in a single-digit set requiring manual intervention, and none of the others seem to have gone anywhere either.
in reply to James Scholes

@simon Hi James, thanks for your patience. I'll see what I can find out for you (I am in and out of the office a lot this week so I can't promise to follow up today, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can).
in reply to NV Access

@simon Also, I'm glad you were able to get the add-on submitted (Generally - even though it involved a third person in this instance).
in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess Thanks. Someone else did uncover that I had been approved on the second of April, but without any notification so I had no idea. The add-on submission issue also remained open. @simon
in reply to James Scholes

@simon I think Sean has been approving those but has been on leave - we are looking into whether we can automate a message when approved but at least we can ensure we have the process documented even if it needs to be manual. Sorry it didn't happen in your case! Now you are approved though, you should be able to submit future updates a bit smoother.