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Visit, and you too can try to decide who you dislike more: #CloudFlare, the website admins, or the authors who keep posting there (hint: the last one is kind of unreasonable but not entirely without merit). Most websites give you at least one reason to hate them in 2024, but this is a three-for-one deal. For even more choice, get your #fanfic recommendations through #Reddit, where everybody ends up linking to the terrible, unnecessary mobile-specific version of the site because they have a terrible, unnecessary mobile-specific version of the site. #fanfiction
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to James Scholes

For whatever it's worth, most authors I like crosspost to ff and AO3, but the network effects are strong and most users assume ff to be the default. The few people I know who are deep into this stuff seem to prefer AO3 though, so maybe change will come from the top someday.