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Merry Christmas and a happy new cover? Did somebody say cover?

I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to let me know what you think, and a massive thank you to @talon for the mixing and stuff.

#Cover #art #artist #vocalist #singer

in reply to Estelle

good mix. love the vocal isolation. Any fun things used in the signal chain? :)
in reply to Matthew J

@bermudianbrit Thanks! Oh boy. There’s a lot. This is where I show how much of a terrible audio engineer I am. Basically, EQ, de-noise, gate, more EQ, multiband compression, de-essing, a little bit more compression, this really beautiful shimmer delay called Atlantis by Geraint Luff, delay, dimension expander, and some more EQ and limiting. Sometimes I add even more things on the backing tracks, sometimes I don’t. Mastering is probably a lot more complicated than it needs to be but essentially also a lot of EQ, stereo imaging, limiter. Most of the things I list don’t do anything drastic, and I generally subscribe to the subtractive rather than additive EQ philosophy. I personally like where it is now, but if someone told me hey this is way too much I’d probably agree. But still continue to like it. lol
in reply to Talon

yeah the de-noise really showed up and that was the main thing I noticed. That's a good sound.
in reply to Matthew J

@bermudianbrit I wanted the vocals to sound very close to the listener, and sadly getting rid of noise is pretty hard while recording especially in home setups. But I think I’ve more or less got it. Been slightly iterating on the setup with each new cover but for the last couple I think I’m very close. Plus excellent microphone technique really really helps. All things considered it’s all her. I do very little.
in reply to Talon

yeah you did good. I'd be interested in plugin names if you'll excuse the nerditude :)
in reply to Matthew J

@bermudianbrit Reaper’s ReaEQ, Izotope RX, ReaGate, ReaComp, ReaXComp, the random de-esser JS that comes with reaper, XFer OTT, Geraint Luff’s Atlantis Reverb, ReaDelay, XFer’s Dimension Expander, ReaLimit. Don’t use special plugins for the most part for these. Didn’t find it necessary.