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Man. I wish there would be some sort of blog or site or mastodon account which tells you things about #linux normal people would never tell you.
I got this server, and 1 week later, people just came up with, oh yeah, change your ssh port, disable the root user, add this to this group and do this and na you can't store files in /home...
Okay dude, tell me how to do it different. I hate it. I wish there would be actually readable, good tutorials how to setup a server so it is and stays stable. And does not ends up in a mess.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jonathan

No need to change your ssh port if you have a firewall (standard on most distributions) that blocks access to that port to only some address you know.

No need to disable the root user, really.

Groups should be good by default.

No reason not to store files in /home just keep your permissions in tact.

But if you want to learn how to run a server get a book like the “Linux Server cookbook” or Learn “Linux System administration”.