Speaking of #Pinafore, based on a blog post from Nolan Lawson, it looks like it might not be maintained too much into the future. That's sad, but I totally respect that. I just contributed some a11y pull requests, but I'm now wondering whether I need to focus on the official UI instead. Hmm. nolanlawson.com/2022/11/22/tho…
in reply to Jamie Teh

Was just searching #pinafore and this was prescient. It's good that Nolan forecast the situation. Just want to let you know since you contributed, and I understand the tech debt concerns he had, that I'm operating a fork of Pinafore to allow it to continue on in relation to contributor interest.

I'm operating the fork via the Collective Code Construction Contract which is pretty lightweight and clear as far as maintenance goes. You can find the fork and more about that at github.com/weex/pinafore