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Items tagged with: pinafore

web client -they're mostly looking for #Fediverse web clients - Pinafore is a Fediverse web client, perhaps you can retool your client to support other Fediverse server types like #Pinafore does?

Maybe something like:


That supports a wide range of Fediverse server platforms, and of course, mastobrand is included in that list.

I hope that helps!

#tallship #FOSS


Nolan Lawson zrezygnował z dalszego prowadzenia projektu #Pinafore i zamroził repo.

Nie będzie nowego maintainera i nowych wersji.

Tłumaczy powody na swoim blogu tutaj:…

Jak ja go doskonale rozumiemm... I jego powody.

Prowadzenie takich projektów bez zewnętrznego wsparcia to droga przez mękę, użeranie z wiecznie niezadowolonymi osobami. Te zadowolone siedzą cicho, nie dając motywacji nawet dobrym słowem.
A miałem już w 1/3 zrobione tłumaczenie Pinafore na j. polski...

Hello world!

Introducing Semaphore an accessible, simple and fast web client for Mastodon.

Semaphore continues the work of @nolan 's @pinafore, and will prioritise accessibility, continuing Pinafore's track record of integrating improvements from disabled contributors.

Follow this account if you'd like to keep up-to-date with releases and news.

#mastodon #accessible #a11y #client #app #web #semaphore #pinafore

Was just searching #pinafore and this was prescient. It's good that Nolan forecast the situation. Just want to let you know since you contributed, and I understand the tech debt concerns he had, that I'm operating a fork of Pinafore to allow it to continue on in relation to contributor interest.

I'm operating the fork via the Collective Code Construction Contract which is pretty lightweight and clear as far as maintenance goes. You can find the fork and more about that at

@ondrosik I'm testing it right now and I seem to be unable to locate the text entry field after hitting the reply button, so I need to investigate. #Pinafore is even listed as a supported client app in the #Friendica FAQ

@Arkadiusz Świętnicki 🇨🇳 @Kat Moss #Pinafore is not #Electron based. It's single page web app best used in your browser. This one is really clever, simple and accessible. It's not bloatware either.

Speaking of #Pinafore, based on a blog post from Nolan Lawson, it looks like it might not be maintained too much into the future. That's sad, but I totally respect that. I just contributed some a11y pull requests, but I'm now wondering whether I need to focus on the official UI instead. Hmm.…

The latest episode of my #Podcast, @MosenAtLarge, has nearly an hour discussing how #Blind people like me use Mastodon and how to get started. I discuss some MastoDos and MastoDon'ts in general and focus on #accessibility on several platforms including the web interface, #Pinafore, and #Metatext. It's in any podcast app. The #audio is at…. The #transcript is at
Hope blind people find it helpful and sighted people find it interesting.

@Andre Polykanine Yes #pinafore is a webapp. It has great keyboard navigation capabilities and is adaptive to various screen sizes. People also like to use it on mobile.

Any clue why #Pinafore on #Firefox 105.0.1 can't play the video on this toot?…