This one passed me by.
As of Ableton Move V1.3, released a few days ago, you can now sample from audio sent to the USB C port.
This is useful enough as it is stated, I.E. you can make a sound with a synth on your Mac or PC, then instantly sample it into Move without rendering and uploading a wave file, or connecting a line input and sampling it through the Move DAC.
However, for those of us who rely on accessibility, there is another hidden benefit.
Let's say you're on an airplane or something. You have an iPhone or Android with USB C, and you want to access Move Manager at move.local, so you can use the built-in web-based screen reader. Traditionally, this needs a Wi-Fi connection, but since you're on a plane, that doesn't work.
The Move's USB C port also acts as an Ethernet connection, so you can theoretically just plug your phone into USB C, then open your browser and go to move.local.
Yep, that works fine, except... oops, you're also a Voiceover/talkback/some other screen reader user, and audio gets routed away from the phone to absolutely nowhere... at least, that used to be the case.
Now, you can select USB C in the sample mode, and it will pipe audio from whatever is sent to that port to Move's built-in speakers or the headphone jack.
Thus, it's now possible for blind and visually impaired operators to use Move's screen reader when completely offline, with no way to access Wi-Fi without having to deal with a bunch of splitters, cables and mixers.
I bet they didn't even think of that use-case, but I'm happy to see it.
Since sample mode doesn't talk yet, the best way I've found to make this work is to connect your device to Move's USB C port, wait until speech goes away, press sample, then click the wheel until your device starts making noise through Move's output.
There are now three options that are toggled when clicking the wheel on the first item in sample mode.
The default is to record from Move's mic/line-in, second is resampling, and third is USB C.
The USB C option, far as I can tell, only appears when a device is connected to the USB C port.
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