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Quick poll: what would you prefer "delete message(s)" to mean in #deltachat if you only had a choice between these two?

  • delete on all my devices (90%, 125 votes)
  • delete only on this device (10%, 14 votes)
138 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to Delta Chat

autodelete messages or when I manually delete messages in a chat?
in reply to treefit

auto delete from only my device has the use case of keeping the size on the mobile device low while my desktop can still have all message.
Also if the phone is lost or stolen not all past messages get compromised, when I only keep a week on my phone and also autodelete from the email server after a similar time.
in reply to treefit

@treefit i always imagined it would be attachments rather than messages that take up space.

i have the impression that on mac/iOS IMAP mail the messages are loaded sort of on demand when you open a specific box, and sometimes you have to open a specific message to load contents from a server. but this might not fit with deltachat's local-first design

in reply to Rosano

@rosano yeah mostly messages with attachments or images, audio messages, documents or video take up space. when I talk about messages I mean messages including attachments