Items tagged with: alzheimers
#Alzheimers Disease: the 10 Warning Signs
#dementia #health #wellness #WorldAlzMonth #WAM2024 #TimeToActOnAlzheimers #TimeToActOnDementia
The purpose of good #caregiving isn't merely to perform tasks, it is to support quality of life, offer #kindness, and help the other person accept love.
#Alzheimers #dementia #mentalhealth #quote
Words of reassurance left for a woman with #dementia by her daughter. A simple white board in her sight line in her sitting room.
#Alzheimers #caregiving #EndAlz
A powerful, insightful and beautiful message for all of us who believe in uplifting people living with #Alzheimers and other forms of #dementia.
#caregiving #humanrights #dignity
When a person living with #dementia asks the same question repeatedly, listen to the question differently and you may learn more about the needs underlying the question itself.
#Alzheimers #caregiving #empathy #quote