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Items tagged with: HumanRights

Well, not the happiest intro but I’l cut/paste this here while I still remember then add a proper intro spoons allowing..⬇️

Please #boost and share to other platforms spoons allowing.

Seems I’m desperate enough to go to the media for help. Yes, the trapped woman in the article below is me.

My story:…

More info on how to help::…

I’ve tried every level of government and they simply won’t help. Please ask people if they have a spare room or somewhere to go. Maybe you have somewhere?

Is anybody a #DisabilityAdvocate? #SocialWorker? Need help.

Please don’t give me contacts for domestic violence orgs. They don’t help disabled people with housing & only offer counselling. Also, that list of disability advocates going around for #Melbourne #Australia (where I am) is outdated - there aren’t any in my catchment. So I’m looking for volunteers with some background.

Thanks for reading

#PwME #LongCovid #MECFS #Hypothyroidism #ChronicIllness #Neisvoid #NacissisticAbuse ##Housing #Dysautonomia #SocialWork #MedMastodon #PWLC #MutualAid
#HumanRights #Press

@mecfs @chronicillness @neisvoid
@disability @disabilityjustice @socialwork @dyssupport

(If I’ve broken any rules in posting this, please let me know.)

Accessibility is not a loud, one-time event; it's a quiet revolution. It's also isn't about quick fixes or public shaming.

it's about the power of ongoing action like watering a plant – splash it once, and you'll make a mess; nurture it daily, and you'll watch it thrive.

#Disability #HumanRights #a11y #Accessibility #SDGs #Poverty #Technology

"for the first time, Commissioner Jourova publicly admitted at yesterday's EDPS summit that encryption would need to be broken for Chat Control to become effective."…

#ChatControl #EuropeanCommission #Surveillance #EU #Privacy #HumanRights #Encryption #Security

A powerful, insightful and beautiful message for all of us who believe in uplifting people living with #Alzheimers and other forms of #dementia.

#caregiving #humanrights #dignity

Freedom in technology must include freedom from technology.

We must not create societies where the price of admission is owning a device controlled by one of two trillion-dollar US corporations.

We must safeguard people’s access to public services and the everyday necessities of life via alternate methods.

Technology should always be a progressive enhancement.

Do not let Silicon Valley privatise your access to modern life.…

#technology #society #access #humanRights

Today, two open letters from academics on the scientific arguments against the current #CSS (client side scanning) initiatives have been released:

* The first (in English, internationally coordinated) one is online at… and still open for additional signatures.

* The second (in German, by #Austrian academics) one is online at and explicitly includes law experts in addition to the arguments from a security, privacy, and AI perspective.

This debate is expected to gain new steam with #Spain taking over the EU council presidency, given recently leaked statements like "Ideally, in our view, it would be desirable to legislatively prevent EU-based service providers from implementing end-to-end encryption" (…).

Please boost on any channels you deem adequate. The discussion is still open, and we have little time to bring it to a more rational level.

#csam #law #eu #privacy #dataprotection #privacy #humanrights #messenger #chat #chatcontrol #signal #whatsapp #telegram #threema #e2ee

Are you an international lawyer? Do you spend way too much time googling treaties? Have a look at this searchable #OpenAccess PDF collection of treaties and legal documents, sorted into folders by subject matter!

Direct Download (ZIP):…

Detailed description:

#InternationalLaw #Law #LawFedi #UnitedNations #HumanRights #HumanitarianLaw #OpenData #OpenScience @law @politicalscience @humanrights

While everyone is distracted by a billionnaire in a submarine, the #UK Parliament is voting on the final stages of the #MininumServiceLevelsBill. This will effectively make it illegal for anyone in what ministers consider "essential services" to strike. It removes a basic human right and is one of the most draconian laws of its kind in the world.
Below is the #TUC take on it after the Lords kicked it out the first time.
#Strikes #HumanRights…

This week's wrap of news from #Singapore: the authorities are harassing #activists again, and it doesn't look great in #HumanRights reports…

Elokapina - Extinction Rebellion Finland regrets and finds it shameful that the Sámi Parliament Act revision was effectively killed yesterday by Constitutional Law Committee.

This makes Sanna Marin's government a third Finnish govt which fails to revise the current law. The law has been condemned e.g. by the majority on the Sámi Parliament, the UN Human Rights Council and UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

More here:…

#Finland #humanrights #Sámi

“TikTok poses an unacceptable national security risk due to its extensive data harvesting being combined with Beijing’s apparently unchecked access to that sensitive data.” – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

This is true.

Now replace TikTok with Facebook, Snapchat, <insert Silicon Valley Big Tech corporation or startup here> and Beijing with Washington, DC and…

This is also true.


#peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #BigTech #humanRights #democracy

“EU GDPR enforcement against Big Tech is paralysed by Ireland’s failure to deliver draft decisions on cross-border cases. Ireland’s failure to uphold the GDPR has allowed surveillance to remain the default business model of the digital world.”…

CC @noybeu

#gdpr #ireland #enforcement #privacy #facialRecognition #humanRights

Vatican praises U.S. court abortion decision

Heaven forbid a woman’s right to choose should limit the supply of altar boys for Catholic bishops to bugger.

#catholicChurch #vatican #pope #catholicism #religion #fundamentalism #childAbuse #abortion #humanRights

The US Supreme Court announces rebrand. Will henceforth be known as Taliban White™

What a horrible setback for human rights.

#us #fundamentalism #RoeVWade #humanRights

The UK could pull out of Europe’s human rights framework after last-ditch legal rulings blocked the government’s plan to relocate asylum-seekers to Rwanda.

“I am evil, our government is evil, the people who voted for us are evil and we will ensure nothing prevents us from carrying out the evil we were elected to do” said home secretary Priti Patel when asked for comment.

#tory #uk #humanRights #evil #pritiPatel

#SurveillanceCapitalism Spreading In #Schools, Sidelining Role Of #Teachers.

My Take: putting children under 24/7 monitoring, is harmful to natural development + #autonomy.

Ex: intense security (like recent proposal to add armed taser drones + force children to train with them) may do little more than put kids in more fear.

#News #Education #Privacy #HumanRights #AI…

Hah, when I wrote that six years ago, it was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual 🤷‍♂️

#cpdp2022 #privacyWashing #institutionalCorruption #privacy #tech #humanRights

Well it’s always good to know what the privacy-washers are saying. Know your enemy and all that.

Also good to know who doesn’t mind having their legitimacy in privacy and human rights used to launder the likes of Google and Meta.

All very enlightening.

#privacyWashing #cpdp2022 #privacy #humanRights #institutionalCorruption #google #meta #tech

Sponsored by Google and Meta. Go on, pull the other one!…

#cpdp2022 #privacy #tech #humanRights #institutionalCorruption #privacyWashing

What do I mean by “the Trump era William Barr justice department “think of the children” playbook?”


#privacy #humanRights #eu #encryption

EU Commission’s latest attempt to backdoor your privacy tries the Trump era William Barr justice department “think of the children” playbook.

No one thinks we shouldn’t do everything in our power to combat child sexual abuse. Some of us just don’t want to destroy the fundamental human right to privacy (and every other human right that’s based on it) in the process.…

#privacy #humanRights #eu #encryption

😩 8 weeks after letting them know, still no changes to these terms. Apparently protecting digital #humanRights just aren't that important to #RightsCon. 🕵🏽