Items tagged with: esm
The current officially-sanctioned Node.js method of performing ESM hot module reloading is to (I kid you not) “leak memory.”
Je désespère!…
Invalidate cache when using import · Issue #307 · nodejs/modules
How do I invalidate the cache of import? I have a function that installs missing modules when an import fails, but the import statement seems to preserve the failure while the script is still runni...GitHub
Tape implemented support for ECMAScript modules a little while ago so you no longer need my ESM Tape Runner module for most things. However, if you want to unit test experimental ES Module Loaders, it’s still useful.…
Also, if you want a cute monkey to report your TAP results, see Tap Monkey (…)
#js #javascript #unitTesting #tape #esm #ECMAScriptModules #ESModuleLoaders #tap
GitHub - small-tech/esm-tape-runner: Basic test runner for tape that supports ECMAScript Modules (ESM; es6 modules). Runs your tests in isolation, one after the other.
Basic test runner for tape that supports ECMAScript Modules (ESM; es6 modules). Runs your tests in isolation, one after the other. - GitHub - small-tech/esm-tape-runner: Basic test runner for tape ...GitHub