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Items tagged with: javascript

Today at 10:15 MDT (16:15 UTC), Philip Chimento, Andy Holmes, and Evan Welsh and others will present the latest JavaScript technologies available in the GNOME stack for the crowd at GUADEC 2024…

#guadec #guadec2024 #gnome #igalia #gjs #javascript

@vixalientoots did it again 🎩

After adding TypeScript support; Angelo made Workbench able to use TypeScript for JavaScript diagnostics and completions :javascript:

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #TypeScript #GSoC

Whenever there's a supply chain attack, the "stop using CDNs for your dependencies!" croud come out in force. Perhaps CDNs would be less popular if I could use a #JavaScript library without installing Node, setting up a dependency manager, trying to resolve a project's dependencies, installing a different version of Node because I was using the wrong one, trying to resolve a project's dependencies again, working out which JS bundler is appropriate to use in 2024, giving up on that in favour of copying commands and JSON from some random Medium article, copying some commands and JSON from a different Medium article when the stuff from the first one inevitably doesn't work, and then going to bed having accomplished exactly nothing.

Just a thought. #webdev #webdevelopment

Why don’t we talk about minifying CSS anymore?…

Me: because Javascript is a much, much, much bigger problem for web performance.

#a11y #webdev #css #javascript #webperf

#JavaScript geeks

I'm working on a browser plugin. Is there a way to specify the width of a new window in em?

Like if your default font size is set larger than the browser's default I want my new window to be bigger to accommodate it.

Do i just have to create it with specific pixel dimensions and then have JS to resize it after its loaded ?


@IzzyOnDroid ✅
#uMatrix wird doch gar nicht mehr weiterentwickelt.
#uBlockOrigin kann doch auch #JavaScript blockieren.

Workbench 46.1 is out!…

Happy International Workers' Day

See what's new and details at

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #rustlang #Python #Vala #Linux #development

This is why I don't do front-end dev:…

#Javascript #FrontEnd #Programming

Ok wtf. So you're telling me that #Google #Chrome's #V8 #JavaScript engine was more #insecure than #Mozilla's #Spidermonkey after all these years? Because I'm pretty sure SM has been already doing plenty of the things mentioned in this article (I've touched on SM code plenty of times, so much more than I wanted because I worked on separating Spidermonkey from the monolithic #libxul, it's still hurting my brain...), even before the #Quantum rewrite. So even #PaleMoon which has been commonly trashed for being "old and insecure" is apparently more secure than Chrome, but most crucially it also disproves the long-standing blind belief by security freaks out there that Chrome is "more secure" than #Firefox when it's the other way around on many fronts...…

#web #webbrowser #browser #browsers #openweb

JavaScript Bloat in 2024 😢 #webdev #webperf #javascript #js

Why is JavaScript fragile?… (one of many reasons IMO) #js #javascript #webdev

Get started writing that #app in your favourite programming language!…

Then start working on those features, with tutorials for #Blueprint, #JavaScript, #Python, #Rust and #Vala 🚀

#GNOME #Workbench #Opensource #FOSS

The Performance Inequality Gap, 2024…

"building JavaScript-first websites has been a predictably terrible idea"

#webdev #webperf #javascript #mobile #inequality

I wrote an article about how to make hastags accessible. Did some #ScreenReader testing with #JAWS, #NVDA, #VoiceOver and #Narrator, which was fun!

Pretty long one though, contains a bunch of tables for comparison. Enjoy the ride!…

#accessibility #a11y #html #JavaScript #WebDev #frontend

#Workbench has been added to the showcase on, the #GJS documentation site!

We want newcomers to know there's over 100 API demos in JavaScript, alongside implementations in Python, Rust and Vala.

Get started with #GNOME in #JavaScript or #Python, and you'll have an expressive platform to learn #Vala and #Rust!

+1000 "the community remains in solid denial about the disastrous consequences of an over-reliance on JavaScript"… #webdev #javascript #webperf

Hledani prace me nuti se vic bavit s lidmi o mych technologicko-filosofickych nazorech. Treba na pohovorech. Taky vic ctu, co se kde deje. Abych se na tech pohovorech mel o cem bavit, ze ano.

Diskuze kolem variant ruznych technologii jsou moje oblibene. Jako JavaScript vs TypeScript, CSS vs Tailwind. Pripomina mi to krasnou case-study Yarn vs NPM. Dogmatici na vsech frontach.…

A co tim chci predat? Oba pristupy jsou validni a obhajitelne.

#npm #yarn #javascript #tech

Workbench 45.4 is out 🛠️…

• Restore on-disk projects on start
• Restore scroll and cursor positions on format and Run
• Add "Copy" and "Select All" to Console
• Add Vala formatter support
• Add WebP image format support
• Library: Add "Context Menu" demo
• Library: Add "HTTP Server" demo
• Library: 12 demos ported to Python, 4 to Vala and 2 to Rust

Happy hacking / learning / prototyping

#Linux #development #GTK #GNOME #libadwaita #Rust #JavaScript #Python #Vala

Absolutely. "A lot of what people use React for would be better handled with vanilla JavaScript"… #webdev #reactJS #javascript #tips

"... the website loads in a special browser built into the app, rather than your phone’s default browser. In 2022, privacy researcher Felix Krause found that Meta injects special “keylogging” JavaScript onto the website you’re visiting that allows the company to monitor everything you type and tap on, including passwords. Other apps including TikTok do the same thing."

What the hell?? This is so creepy.

#Meta #JavaScript #Privacy #web #SocialMedia #News #Threads…

"Most importantly, tooltips should only provide descriptive and non-essential text, giving slightly more detailed text for active elements such as links and form controls. Ultimately, they provide expendable text which is already on the web page."…

Great in-depth article about #tooltips by Jan Hellbusch. He knows what he's talking about, had the pleasure to be in one of his workshops and he's an absolute pro. 🤯

#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #accessibility #a11y #HTMHell

Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 [Tip 3: As little JavaScript as possible]… #webperf #webdev #webdevelopment #javascript #js

“Webxdc for Nomads” - very happy to be invited to do a hands-on #webxdc session on #codecamp2023 today, 8pm Portugal Time #deltachat #xmpp #javascript @wizardamigos

I'm looking for a new job, or contract work, for the first time in a while - boosts appreciated!

I'm a polyglot programmer, with a wide range of experience behind me, from developing firmware that runs on 8-bit AVR, to highly distributed systems across hundreds of nodes, I covered pretty much the whole landscape.

I had my fair share of Ops experience too, and worked in (technical) Customer Service aswell.

I speak many languages (#C, #Rust, #Lua, #Python, #JavaScript, some #Go among them), but I pride myself in being able to pick up a new language at a decent level between signing a contract and starting on the job.

I'm a #Linux guy through and through, and have very little experience (or desire) to work with anything else, save maybe for the BSDs. I worked with containers, databases (relational and otherwise); in the cloud and on premises. I can debug, I can mentor, I can teach, and build, and integrate (continuously, even!). I'm not afraid of git rebase, nor of a crowd to speak in front of.

I live in Hungary, and am seeking remote work. I cannot relocate.

If you are someone looking for something like that, or know someone who is, please get in touch. My CV - with contacts - is available here.


"You’re rendering your entire DOM in the client using a huge JavaScript library. Which type of loading indicator are your users going to be staring at?"… #javascript #webdev

The Cost Of JavaScript, with
Addy Osmani, 2023… Why JavaScript is the most expensive resource your site uses today. #webdev #webperf #javascript

Requesting help - trying to set up typescript-language-server (…) and every time I run yarn it seems to run an extra script. I can't figure out where that's happening. Could someone more experienced take a look?

#javascript #yarn #typescript

Converting jQuery to vanilla JavaScript… #webdev #javascript

"Is JavaScript a hazardous material to the user experience?" Sounds like yes in this podcast. #webdev #javascript #podcast #ux

Please Disable JavaScript To View This Site from @heydon

#WebDev #FrontEnd #JavaScript #WebDesign

Yup! "the problem we’ve got is a management class that has not decided to put any constraints on the developers" #webdev #javascript #podcast

You Really Don't Need All that JavaScript, I Promise 👏… GOTO Copenhagen 2019 (includes Chrome Portal demo) #webdev #webperf #javascript #html

#Development #Outlooks
The end of front-end development · Things are going to change, but not in the scary way people are saying

#Job #AI #GPT4 #ChatGPT #ChatBot #WebDevelopment #WebDev #Code #Frontend #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Skills #Productivity

A must read for web professionals. "The Great Gaslighting of the JavaScript Era"… #webdev #webdevelopment #javascript

The Market for Lemons — super important article about the failure of modern web development… "the JS-industrial-complex pulled an Exxon" #javascript #webdev #fail

Si tu fais de l'informatique, et que tu comprends pas toujours ce qui se passe dans ta babasse, parceque tu ne programmes qu'en #java, #javascript,#python je t'encourage vivement perdre quelques heures de ta vie pour regarder cette série de vidéo.

“Hello, world” from scratch on a 6502 —…

#6502 #8bits #retrocomputing