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Items tagged with: freesoftwareadvent

#FreeSoftwareAdvent for today: Hammerspoon. Another macOS tool that makes the platform usable.

Script the OS, add hotkeys, all from Lua, a not wholly unpleasant programming language. One thing that it desperately needs is good documentation, and if I had a few weeks of uninterrupted time and no responsibility, I'd write said documentation. Otherwise, you need to do a lot of googling to find blog posts and code samples because the API docs are a bit mystical.

#LibreOffice (@libreoffice) has been my go-to document creation software for over a year now, and I've been thrilled by just how good Writer is. (I'm less of a fan of Impress, the presentation software, but that's for another day.)

Whether it's "good enough" to replace Microsoft Word is a matter of personal choice but, for me, it has done exactly that.
