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Items tagged with: pyconus

Here is a blog post with links and references to accompany my closing keynote today at #PyConUS , on stories from a few years working on #Python packaging.…


@mvgorcum #pyconus will post the talks on YouTube. We will share it once they are live !

What happens when you mandate masks at a conference now that most people no longer wear them but medically vulnerable people are still at risk because #CovidIsNotOver? In the case of #PyConUS, the conference sells out.

Why a masking policy? “Many of us and our fellow community members can’t attend without health and safety guidelines in place. We want PyCon US to be an event that everyone feels safe attending,” organizers explained.

Well done @pycon…

Love Python packaging? Hate Python packaging? FEAR Python packaging?

This talk was made for you, with 💜 , by our Executive Director and Founder, @leahawasser

You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll walk away inspired and empowered to tackle anything Python packaging throws at you. We promise.

#PyConUS #Python #pyOpenSci

Okay time for the big announcement. @blackpythondevs is officially operating as a US Non-Profit under the @Gnome foundation! #PyConUS.

You can now contribute directly to our efforts.

Learn more about our descision here -…

Cloud services on the way to #PyConUS with @maco

In 2019 I co-ran a #PyCon Hatchery event, The Art of Python,… , featuring several monologues, plays, & other performances about the experiences of making technology.

It went great. It was going to run again in 2020, but COVID derailed that.… This year, #PyConUS #PyCon2024 #PyConUS2024 is requesting your Hatchery event proposals!

I'd love:

another performance night (HOWTO guide:… )

a photo booth, for professional headshots

Last day to apply for travel grant to attend #PyConUS

- Speakers and tutorial presenters are prioritized, but you still need to apply on time.
- There's a separate fund for #PyLadies. Tick the "PyLadies Grant" checkbox in the application form
- Limit of 1500 USD for domestic travel, and 2000 USD for international travel
- Include just the hotel+flight cost in the application, not the conference registration fee.

Read the FAQ to learn more!