Items tagged with: turris
I just opened Mastodon to write about me considering a #turris as a main home router into new appartment (PPPoE).
And I remembered that I've got the exact same model as you do in Czech Republic and without any single manual action it's updating and serving my family back there.
I am nearly decided to get a new one for my new apartment.
Precisely 10 years ago, I received my first #Turris router from CZ.NIC.
Even after all these years the router still receives the latest software updates and can be even upgraded to support Wi-Fi 6.
Kdo jste nestihli přednášku @michal (nejen) o novém zařízení #Turris Omnia Enterprise na #LinuxDays, máte možnost tuto sobotu na OpenAltu (…) 😉
Co nového v Turrisu? OpenAlt 2023
Pořád pracujeme na výkonných open-source routerech s bezpečnostními funkcemi. To se nezměnilo. S novými a novými aktualizacemi se routery Turris stále vyvíjí