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Items tagged with: BayAreaEats

I can’t even begin to tell you what a massive improvement it is for my mental health that there is now an Indonesian coffee shop near where I live in SF; that PLAYS LAGU GALAU (emo Indonesian music; one of my major music genres!)

It just opened, and.. hearing this music, and this language, around me in a place where I sometimes feel unmoored and far from home, is just a godsend.…

#SanFrancisco #Kopiku #BayAreaEats #BAE #California

This is the best frozen har gow. It tastes better than many lower end takeout dimsum spots in San Francisco. Just steam or microwave it yourself at home.

I know this because I’ve eaten many bad frozen har gows before finding this one!…

#Food #Cooking #Chinese #Dimsum #BAE #BayAreaEats

Here’s my list of lazy food that tastes good (I cannot stand most American convenience foods)