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Items tagged with: ClimateEmergency

These fuckers are content to watch us die.

This bullshit is going to condemn our species to extinction unless we find a way to depose these sociopaths.…

#cop28 #copOut #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange

For those who haven’t seen it before, here is my review of The Climate Book, by Greta Thunberg…

I've read dozens of books about climate change, and this one is easily the best. It's packed with information, written to be accessible for anyone from high school (or a bright middle school student) on up, and most importantly it does NOT shy away from the true severity of our situation and the imperative need not only for individual action but for system change.

It's stunning to me that a young woman who just turned twenty years old was able to pull together such a massive project — coordinating the submissions of more than a hundred scientists, activists, and educators — while also writing a large part of the content herself. A truly amazing accomplishment.

This essential work should be in every school library and in every home. It will remain relevant for years to come, I believe, because although there certainly is plenty of data, mostly it's about *ideas* which will never age.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Emissions #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

A message from Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg)...

School strike, week 251.

Today, I graduate from school, which means I’ll no longer be able to school strike for the climate. This is then the last school strike for me, so I guess I have to write something on this day.

When I started striking in 2018 I could never have expected that it would lead to anything. After striking every day for three weeks, we were a small group of children who decided to continue doing this every Friday. And we did, which is how Fridays For Future was formed.

Some more people joined, and quite suddenly this was a global movement growing every day. During 2019, millions of youth striked from school for the climate, flooding the streets in over 180 countries. When the pandemic started, we had to find new ways to protest.

With time, we started to get back on the streets again. We’re still here, and we aren’t planning on going anywhere. Much has changed since we started, and yet we have much further to go.

We are still moving in the wrong direction, where those in power are allowed to sacrifice marginalised and affected people and the planet in the name of greed, profit and economic growth. They continue to destabilise the biosphere and our life supporting systems. We’re rapidly approaching potential nonlinear ecological and climatic tipping points beyond our control.

And in so many parts of the world, we are even speeding up the process. There are probably many of us who graduate who now wonder what kind of future it is that we are stepping into, even though we did not cause this crisis.

We who can speak up have a duty to do so. In order to change everything, we need everyone. I’ll continue to protest on Fridays, even though it’s not technically “school striking”. We simply have no other option than to do everything we possibly can. The fight has only just begun.

🤗 💚

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

“We now have the smoking gun showing that they accurately predicted warming years before they started attacking the science. These graphs confirm the complicity of what #Exxon knew and how they misled.”

#climateemergency #climatechange #endfossilfuels…

From Uni of Reading (@UniofReading@:twitter:):

"In this experiment Dr Rob Thompson of Reading Meteorology shows just how long it takes water to soak into parched ground, illustrating why heavy rainfall after a #drought can be dangerous and might lead to flashfloods."

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNOW #ClimateEmergency #heatwave #summer

The link between climate change and serious and organised crime is complex. On one hand, criminals infiltrate legal businesses and organisations aimed at protecting the environment. On the other hand, criminal activities such as wildlife trafficking and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, but also illicit drug production, counterfeiting of goods, and several types of fraud have direct and indirect
environmental impacts… #ClimateEmergency #pollution #environment

"Shell will be dismantled and #ShellMustFall" 🔥🔥🔥
RT @money_rebellion

This is a #ClimateEmergency. We don’t need another fossil fuel giant deciding how to maximise dirty profits

#ShellMustFall #DefundClimateChaos #RallyAgainstShell

@CClimateAction @ShellMustFall @XRebellionUK @fossilfreeLDN…

We are too late! We can moderate the impact a little bit and even that is worth fighting for! Also let's build a new society, independent from the existing one, because that one is lost. Let's fight the capitalist, patriarchal and authoritarian system(s) who created this mess! And in the mean time have solidarity with all people, except the ones who are guilty of this.




NASA data shows our Earth is heating at unprecedented speed: 1.64 W/m²

Another 12-month EEI record (from Mar21-Feb22). That's a lot of additional energy in the Earth's system, available to heat oceans, land and atmosphere, melt ice and increase sea levels.


#ClimateCollapse #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNow #TippingPoint


The current extreme #heatwave in #Pakistan and #India as seen today, on the fourth intense hot day, by #Copernicus #Sentinel3 LST (Land Surface Temperature, not Air!). LST collected on April 29 shows max value exceeding 62°C/143°F. Gaps due to cloud/snow/nodata. #ClimateEmergency
