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Items tagged with: JWST

100 years ago, we thought the universe ended at the edge of the Milky Way. That was it. Then we built bigger and better telescopes and they altered our horizon, time and again.

Now we have this. That's pretty fucking phenomenal. #jwst…


Did you see the news that all of the #JWST instruments are aligned now?

Check out this comparison of one of the newly released calibration images from the MIRI instrument compared to images taken of the same region of space by the WISE and Spitzer space telescopes! Look at that resolution! So many newly resolved stars and structures! 🤩

I can't wait for all the new discoveries we'll make with JWST! #Science data starts in only a couple months!

(Image from @/AndrasGasper on birdapp)

By now you might be wondering: Why is the telescope #gold?

The mirrors are actually made of Beryllium, which is a very strong and lightweight metal, and are coated in a very thin layer of gold. The total amount of gold on #JWST is only about the size of a marble!

Why gold? Gold is VERY efficient at reflecting infrared light! JWST is designed to search for this heat in the early universe

Because it launched folded up, #JWST spent the first several weeks verrryyy carefully unfolding itself in space as it traveled to its orbit.

The scariest part was the sunshield tensioning! The sunshield is the pink/grey part and is used to keep the mirrors and instruments nice and cold so we can see the very faint heat from the early universe!

#Science #SciComm

Fun Fact #1: #JWST is the LARGEST space telescope ever built! It's so big that the mirrors were folded up to fit in the #ESA #Ariane5 #Rocket that launched it last Christmas

(Yes, this diagram of me standing next to the Hubble and JWST mirrors is to scale!)

Do people like threads here? I guess we'll find out!

Between meetings today I thought I'd talk about #NASA #JWST and all the exciting #science we can expect from it starting in a few months!

(Yes, I made this travel mug ❤️)

#SciComm #Exoplanets #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Telescope #MastodonNewbie

Unlike the #Hubble Space Telescope, #JWST is not orbiting Earth! Because it's designed to look for faint heat in the early universe, it has to be far away so that the Earth's heat doesn't overpower what it's observing!

JWST is orbiting a point in space called L2, a gravitationally stable point nearly a million miles beyond Earth.

In this gif, the sun is at the center, Earth is the large blue dot, and you can see JWST orbiting an empty point in space beyond Earth. This is not to scale!