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Items tagged with: Jamulus

#Jamulus: Wednesday night and our Dutch guitarist friend Jordy appeared on the server and played like the beast he is. Great tone and vibe here. 'Tens for Sarah'

Always such a pleasure when drummer Dan from Germany appears on #Jamulus with his *real* kit, not an E-Kit. He's got it all miked up super-nicely.

Introduced one of my students to #Jamulus last night, he's a bit far away though so the delay is slightly noticeable but still, some crazy fun. We're not playing anything serious, so sometimes the delay is let's say, musically artistic if you will. He's playing piano, I'm playing Abbey Road Modern Drummer in a ridiculous fashion.

If you take this as what this is, ie: an absolutely rough guide, it's not bad. This is the effort of about 20 minutes of discussion at around half 11 last night on #Jamulus with my singer-friend Mai. She came to me with just words and no key or tempo, I worked out some chords.
She recorded rough vocal in reaper and I lined it up with my end of the proceedings to avoid breakup, since she's on WiFi. Also need to tell her to not move away from the mic. I did say it was rough lol.
Anyway, the girl can siiiiiing!

Today's #AudioMo is more of a #Music thing actually, and comes from #Jamulus which is an online realtime jamming tool to allow people in different places to make music with each other. In this instance, Alf, the bass player is a few hundred miles from me also in the UK, Martin (guitar) is in The Netherlands, Phil (other guitarist) is near brighton, Mag (drummer) is in Germany and I'm playing Rhodes in London.
This perspective was captured by Alf.
For more information about Jamulus, check out

Have some funky synth noises from the Access Virus plugin. I found this sound whilst on #Jamulus last night and I like it a lot!

Playing live this evening with some friends on #Jamulus, you can listen and chat with us at:

Last night I got to introduce Mai to #Jamulus, one of the singers I work with for the first time. She wants to rehearse with me but lives far away, and we found that for some reason, Jamulus's latency is lower than SonoBus so we're going to use that for the time being. Anyway, after a test run, I said 'come meet all the mad people I jam with on a regular basis' and this was the last jam of the evening for her, after about an hour of hanging out. It's ridiculous and we call it:
Good night, see you later.

Another day, another #Jamulus thing, this time I was asked to play using a #DX7 patch, so I dug out a thing I modified from #FM8.

@Vonskinnback And I'd have deserved it, but luckily that was done using #Jamulus over the internet, so he's all the way in Belgium so would have needed a damn good throwing arm. I'm in the UK.

Haven't shared this here before, but if you like, you can listen into a live and very impromptu concert from #Jamulus. No idea what we'll play or how or with whom, but you can interact with us without having the client installed. Chat and stream link here:

We came up with this Afro-feeling groove on #Jamulus last night. The drummer's in the south of France on a real kit and the bass player's in the UK, as am I. Connection gets a bit funky towards the end but still.

Take a track that we worked on using #Jamulus to the stage for a little gig in #Belgium and this is the result:

Jamtastic - The Perpetual Question (Live in Belgium)