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Items tagged with: neurodiversesquad

I really want to make a career in the #InfoSec field. Security is my passion. I haven't yet decided which role I'd like to get involved in. All I know so far is that Malware Analysis isn't for me. I'm interested to hear from folks in the field who are #ActuallyAutistic, have #ADHD, or both. What roles have been a good fit for you? I'm guessing that Incident Response would be far too high stress, but I could be wrong about that. Boosts appreciated. #NeuroDiverseSquad #AuDhd #AskingAutistics

Local news media ran a story stigmatizing self-diagnosis. I'm not very articulate. Could I get some other #ActuallyAutistic folks to help me write an email to this station? This video is so imballanced. #NeuroDiverseSquad #AuDHD #Neurodiversity…
