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Items tagged with: Edinburgh

I'll be visiting #Edinburgh for the Open Hardware Summit in May 2025. I'm looking for some advice and local knowledge:

- local hacker/social justice/arts/hardware folks or groups
- ideas of spaces/factories/archives we could visit
- is there anyone I know from the scottish consulate or Edinburgh hack lab here on mastodon?
- I'd like to run a Hardware Happy Hour. Any tips for a large bar or a cool hacker adjacent space that would host us?

Thank you!

Edinburgh bans advertising for climate altering industries: transportation is key—airlines, SUV and Cruise ships. All treat fossil fuels like gifts of the gods, with no consequences in chemistry, physics or environmental science laws of the universe.… #cruiseships #airlines #SUV #edinburgh #Scotland

#Edinburgh #Klimakrise

"Die schottische Hauptstadt hat Werbung für Fluggesellschaften und SUVs sowie für Kreuzfahrtlinien und Öl- und Gasunternehmen verboten. Aktivisten bezeichnen dies als „historischen“ Schritt im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel."…

Some pictures from the rally for a Republic, here in Edinburgh this afternoon. Lots of good speakers, interesting discussions, normal clothes, and yeah, slightly dreich weather.

