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Items tagged with: Scotland

Calling all #nature and #MarineBiology friends, can anyone tell us what these little jellies are? Beach, Isle of Arran.

#image #beach #identify #sea #Scotland #Arran

Edinburgh bans advertising for climate altering industries: transportation is key—airlines, SUV and Cruise ships. All treat fossil fuels like gifts of the gods, with no consequences in chemistry, physics or environmental science laws of the universe.… #cruiseships #airlines #SUV #edinburgh #Scotland


We continue to call trees trees, but when they're really tall we indicate that linguistically by elongating the word.

Here, for example, we have a very splendid treeeeeeeeeeeeee.

(this might be a sign for me to step away from the computer for a while, later lovelies!)

#photography #trees #treeeeeeeeeeeeee #Scotland…

Radio Jammor is on the air...

Broadcasting from #Scotland to the #UK, #US & #Canada

Some pictures from the rally for a Republic, here in Edinburgh this afternoon. Lots of good speakers, interesting discussions, normal clothes, and yeah, slightly dreich weather.


Elgol, Isle of Skye. A wild evening spent trying to not to get absolutely soaking, I failed for what it's worth. So so so wet #scotland #isleofskye #photography #landscape #nikon

Firstly, I'd just like to say thank you to all the people who have liked, boosted and commented on my images, and to all the new followers I have. It's rather humbling. 😊

Today's shot comes from a magical day in the Scottish #Highlands, a few years ago, when I was photographing red squirrels.

These charming characters are incredibly agile and can jump great distances between trees.

Here I managed to capture one as it appears to be flying down my lens.

#redsquirrel #scotland #wildlife #fun

After 2 years of several covid obstacles we finally could visit my sister in Glasgow.
#traveling #scotland