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Items tagged with: fipamo

Hey folks.

As you know, development is in full swing for both #Fipamo and #TheBadSpace. Both are coming along well, and I’m glad I've put so much time into them because they are getting to a really good place.

I also started an org to house both projects because they have become more than personal endeavors, so they need to be treated as such, especially since they are about to open up to people who want to contribute.

Funding the org is a significant priority for me this year. I want to get both projects out as soon as possible, but I'm realizing I can't do it all myself. It's been a big learning curve for me, but it's coming along.

The challenge currently is having enough resources to maintain my current pace while the organization's funding process takes its course. Applying for grants is a time-consuming and long process, but it will ultimately pay off in the long run.

However, until that happens, I need some help getting through the next couple of months. Ideally, 4k would be enough to hold everything together to keep working, as I'm fortunate enough to have low overhead.

And always, don't feel bad if you can't give because every kind word and affirmation is also valuable. Just boost it and spread it around to get eyes on it.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support. My work is challenging in many ways, but knowing that it helps people carve out space here makes it all worth it.

And the exciting part is that the best is still to come.$Are0h

@fipamo is close to hitting a significant milestone as its conversion to #Laravel is almost complete. Once this conversion is done, the new foundation will be set for enhancements like RSS and better accessibility, and then federation will be implemented.

Development on @thebadspace has been paused while changes to #Fipamo are being made, but several upgrades in reserve are about to be released.

Development for both projects is ongoing. They are completely funded by the community, and there are a couple of ways to support them.

To subscribe to insider info and details of both projects, use

To make a one-time contribution to the project that goes to sustaining development for the year, use…

Both projects will always be open source, and every cent will go to sustaining long-term development and maintenance.

Let's work together to make the web fun and weird again.

So, I’m getting back on track after an unexpected housing emergency that I had to scramble to fix, which has wrecked my already slim budget.

I’ve had to step away for the last couple of days to stabilize my situation, which fortunately has gotten better, but it’s left my funds a little tapped as I spend some resources I hadn’t planned to.

I’d appreciate a hand that gives me some breathing room for the next couple of weeks as I work out a long-term solution so I can be stable for a good stretch to continue working on #TheBadSpace and then #Fipamo.

Thanks in advance, y’all. Sometimes, life just kicks you in the face when you don't expect it, but we press forward.$are0h


This is the official social media account for hueristic instruments, a not-for-profit creative think tank that authors policy to guide the creation of human-centric consent-based tools for independent social media in service of safe and dynamic communities.

For #Fipamo updates, follow @fipamo

For #TheBadSapce updates, follow @thebadspace

h.i. is entirely funded by its community and like-minded individuals looking to make the social web more human and consent-oriented.

To support, check out Patreon and GoFundMe

As of this morning, the fund has hit $1853/40k.

I will be very honest, and I am surprised and humbled that the campaign to get resources for #Fipamo and #TheBadSpace has started this strongly.

I'm feeling many emotions right now because of this, but it makes me feel like many more people than I thought to believe the fedi can be a transformative place.

It's only been one day, but I feel like we can do this and set an entirely new precedent for what we can accomplish if we pull together.

Thanks, y'all, and let's keep it going.…

Ok, I said I would do it, and here it is.

I want #Fipamo and #TheBadSpace to be viable mainstays in the fediverse ecosystem, and to get them where they need to be, I need some help to get them up to snuff.

Because I believe the fedi can be a fantastic place. And I want to make a direct contribution to making this space better.

Spread this around. It's time to get to work.…

I'm looking for new projects for the next few months in the product management space, but I'm still available for some good web design and development work.

Ideally, I want contract work so I can still split time with #TheBadSpace and #Fipamo, but if one has a full-time idea in mind that they feel I'd be a good fit for, feel free to drop me a note and tell me about it.

I do many different things, but I love gigs that engage my right and left brain to problem-solve. I enjoy chewing on challenges and figuring them out one step at a time.

Don't be shy. I'm pretty friendly.

Still looking for a project or two to get me through the rest of the year while I continue work on #TheBadSpace and #Fipamo.

Ideally, I'm looking for remote, part-time postings in web development and design and/or product management that will let me balance my time between client work and pushing my projects forward.

I'm not opposed to full-time gigs if they are remote, but it has to be the proper fight.

I have 20+ years of experience in development and design, so I have an extensive and diverse range of skills that allows me to contribute to projects in multiple ways. Ha, and I've broken enough stuff to know nothing is worth panicking about.

For more details, give me a shout.

So development is picking up again, with the impending release of #TheBadSpace and then back to #Fipamo so I can FINALLY work to get it out of beta.

All in all, I'm excited about the direction in both of those projects because one will be a big step forward for safety in the fedi, and the other is going to be a fresh idea on how we can leverage this space for a different kind of experience. Personally, I'm pumped about the thought of exploring new ways to engage, and it's going to be fun trying and seeing what works.

I've been fortunate to have a community of supporters that have contributed to keeping the development of these projects running. If you've been following me for a while, you know a goal of mine is to be able to do this full work time, spending my days building better tools and, LOL, fussing with everyone about the details. That would be a thin slice of fried gold for me.

For now, my primary funding source is Patreon, which has been keeping the lights on for my projects for a couple of years. It's the easiest way to pitch in a couple of bucks a month, enabling me to spend more time working, with the idea it will gain enough support to allow me to work full-time.

For folk that wants to give one-offs (which would really help at the moment because the tech industry is YIKES right now), I use PayPal and CashApp.

The recent influx of so many new people in the fedi has reinforced my goal of wanting to spend the majority of my time creating better stuff for this space. There is such an opportunity to create an entirely new communication paradigm.

Ha, I'm not sure how I will do it, but I will figure it out. Because here is where I want to be.