Items tagged with: housingfirst
Entrevista a María Rozas (Compostela Aberta), Concelheira de Direitos e Serviços Sociais, Promoção Económica e Juventude, e Primeira tenenta de alcaldesa de Santiago de Compostela.
Fala de cuidar às pessoas que cuidam, 'housing first', saude mental e mocidade, comércio local...…
#cuidados #HousingFirst #CompostelaAberta #MaríaRozas
“Se lle poño deberes ao novo presidente da Xunta serían a vivenda e o párking do CHUS”
María Rozas {Santiago, 1981} foi candidata por Compostela Aberta -CA- nas eleccións municipais de maio de 2023.Ana Triñáns (El Correo Gallego)
“In #Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment and counselling with no preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”
Make sure everyone understands this — It’s costing us far too much to NOT provide housing and supports to those who are homeless.…
#homelessness #cities #housing #HousingFirst
Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need
In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Why? The country applies the "Housing First" concept agains (