Items tagged with: netsec
Say it with me...
Network vulnerability!!!
A quick story/rant.. my cousin got my mother a new coffee maker. I don't expect my mom to use the WiFi functionality, but I'm still concerned about why we would need a whole coffee maker to have a small computer in it... I understand the versatility of not having a hub, and that hubs are also a single point of access for any malicious actors, but I'm sure a hub for multiple devices instead of a thing for a coffee maker would be updated much more frequently, and supported for longer.
If nothing else, maybe I can pull it into my janky Home Assistant setup somehow.
Even if it doesn't end up being a gateway for snooping on home network, it is quite silly, in my opinion.
Now, I must go check to see if anyone's hacked at these yet lol...
#NetSec #Networking #cybersecurity #cybersec #IoT #smarthome #coffee #keurig #hacking