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Items tagged with: coffee

I found my new favorite coffee shop in Budapest 🥰 Pompeii Latte Art Cafe. They have a bookshelf entirely filled with books on Greek and Roman mythology! And archeology. And the coffee is amazing too. And you get quotes from Classical authors with your drink, on little scrolls. How cool is that?

#mythology #archeology #coffee #Budapest #cafes #Rome #Greek #image

Espresso is the most precious thing to me in the world and scope of coffee. For me at least, it's the ultimate expression, not to mention extraction, of what high end specialty coffee can offer. In 20 years, we've had many variants of our "How to Make Espresso" guide up on CoffeeGeek. It was revised again this summer, putting more focus on WDT and how even just using a paperclip can make your coffee better.

#espresso #coffee #coffeeguide #howto #coffeegeek

It's #InternationalCoffeeDay!

As many of you are big fans, we want coffee placed on the #EU market to be environmentally friendly.

This year, a new EU law came into force, requiring companies to confirm that #coffee and other products were sourced from land free of #deforestation.

Companies will also have to verify that these products comply with relevant legislation of the country of production, including human #rights.


Ordered more coffee from Kitty Town Coffee 😺 Drink coffee. Feed cats. #coffee #cats

Když tady byla řeč o kávě, tak jsem tu ještě myslím neukazoval svůj setup. Když se na to tak zpětně dívám, tak bych domácí espresso určitě nedoporučoval někomu, kdo nechce mít nový koníček a není připravený utopit v nové vášni během následujících let spoustu peněz 🙂 Pokud si chcete doma dělat dobrý kafe, tak je lepší volbou filtr nebo jiná alternativní příprava kávy.
Kávovar: Rancilio Silvia (modifikovaná PID verze od českého Buna Café)
Mlýnek: DF64

Yeah, I got new coffee grinder. Yeah, I designed and 3D printed a larger bean hopper. #coffee #3dprinting

Nice! 😺 "Drink coffee. Feed cats." I just bought a 3-pack sampler and a sticker and got free shipping! #cats #coffee

This is amazing. NASA commissioned a microgravity compatible espresso machine for the International Space Station (to make ISSpresso, obviously), and to stop the astronaut having to drink espresso from a closed container with a straw, a bunch of NASA volunteers designed the Space Cup, so the crema bubbles could be seen and the coffee smelled even in microgravity. And I've just been sent one in the post. That's Samantha Cristoforetti drinking from it in the ISS cupola. #ISS #Space #Coffee

Hi, my name is Dan and I use They/He pronouns.

By day I'm a Platform Security Engineer, with a focus on container & cloud security, tooling and automation.

The rest of the time, I enjoy playing and (more often) GMing # 5e, # (generally wildlife and landscape), good #, cooking and #. I'd love to learn machining, blacksmithing and welding.

I'm very politically left, occasionally post about # & other # stuff.

Nice to meet you! #