Items tagged with: pmOS
Alright, that's it! I've had enough! I'm flashing #postmarketOS for the LAST time!
Wait! What? But that would mean.....
With everything going on in the world, I take joy from the small things. Today, that happens to be controlling GNOME podcasts on pmOS with my PineTime. Amazing work devs!
Seriously though, is there such a thing as a Linux developer appreciation day?
#pmOS #gnomepodcasts #pinetime
#postmarketos #gnomemobile #pmos #mobilelinux
Gnome-Mobile: lock screen, quick settings and screenshot tool.
Got to play again with some work in progress code made by #librem5 developers. In this case a u-boot image that allows the #librem5 to boot from the SD cacrd. It can boot from the SD directly, but the video first I booted the #pureos image in the eMMC and then rebooted and booted #postmarketos from the SD card. Credits to the #librem5 devs and to @craftyguy for making the #pmos image for the SD card to test this :D