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Items tagged with: librem5

Privacy-first smartphone. No tracking. No data mining. Runs PureOS. Physical kill switches. True digital freedom in your pocket. #Librem5 #PureOS

seriously, what is this? you could put ressource into the development of a newer and better version of the #librem5 , or design a linux-tablet from scratch (with hardware-kill-switches, unlike the #librem11 ) or a linux-smartwatch (with better specs than the already nice #pinetime ) or - if you wanna go crazy - design an open-source car etc... at least something useful in daily life, which is not creepy😐

Librem 5: True freedom in your pocket. Privacy-first smartphone, no tracking, no data collection. Made in USA, runs PureOS. Starting at $699. Your data, your control. #Librem5 #PrivacyMatters

The Librem 5: A truly free smartphone. No tracking, no data mining, no compromises.
Take back control of your digital life. #Librem5 #Purism

You can now get three kinds of #PureOS subscription from @purism!

Each of them:

- Helps maintaining releases and bug fixes
- Helps pushing code to other projects

Free and Open Source Software (#FOSS) developers also need an #income!

Consider subscribing if you want to advance #Linux #privacy friendly computing or if you are using #MobileLinux.…

#opensource #phone #librem5 #pinephone #chatty #mobian #linux

Your phone shouldn't spy on you. Librem 5: Designed with your privacy in mind, from hardware to software.
#Librem5 #purism

Privacy in your pocket. The Librem 5: A smartphone that respects your freedom. No tracking, no data mining, just pure security. #Librem5 #PrivacyFirst

Is there anyone in the #linuxmobile community with some experience in (or motivation to learn) #openmp (or something similar) who'd be willing to help a bit with a patch of mine for the #libcamera softwareISP? It's an important piece of sw that allows us to use "complex" cameras even when we don't have ISP drivers.

The patch I started already shows promising results on e.g. the #librem5, however I could use some help getting it into a mergable state :)…


We released the Librem 5 hardware layouts under GPLv3 (as original PADS and converted KiCad projects), joining the schematics that were already available from the start!…
#librem5 #linuxmobile #kicad #openhardwar

Privacy isn't a feature; it's your right. The Librem 5: A truly free smartphone. No tracking, no data mining, just pure freedom. #Librem5 #DigitalRights #pureos

Check out the ongoing Purism Differentiator Series! From Our Operating System to baked-in Convergence, Purism has its own way of doing things. Stay tuned as we explore the diverse facets of Purism's unique offerings! #DifferentiatorSeries #PureOS #Purism #Librem5…

The Librem 5 uses our unique hardware kill switches to physically disconnect WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular signal, microphone & camera—nothing like the security of powered off.
#Librem5 #Purism #PureOS #HKS

The Librem 5 represents the opportunity for you to take back control through free and open-source software, open governance, and transparency. Pick on up now!
#Librem5 #Purism #OpenSource #PureOS

With the Librem 5 and Liberty Phone, you can use our unique hardware kill switches to physically disconnect WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular signal, microphone & camera.
#Librem5 #purism

So far you had to pull out #phosh's top and bottom bar quiet a bit to make it unfold. That's kind of o.k. on 📱 like the #Librem5 or #PinePhone but can be cumbersome on larger phones like the #OnePlus6T or tablets like the #Librem11. I've put out an MR for #phoc which adds a fling #gesture so you can also fold/unfold with a fast swipe. Here's a short video demoing this for different screen sizes:


Unleash the might of ownership with our free-software powered smartphone designed to put you in control. Experience the freedom like never before. #Librem5 #Purism

Purism has reached price break quantities for the Librem 5, allowing us to lower the price to $699 from $999!
#Librem5 #Purism

A Security & Privacy Focused Phone for just $699
#Librem5 #Purism

#postmarketOS just landed the last MR needed to make the #libcamera + #PipeWire camera stack work on the #Librem5 and #PinePhone by default, using the new software ISP shipped in libcamera 0.3.
So if you have such a device: just update and go install apps like Snapshot, Warp, Decoder etc. You can even use it with Firefox and - very soon - Chromium.

Note that this does *not* replace #megapixels or #millipixels - those continue to be the default camera apps.

As we reached price break quantities, we're passing the savings onto you. The Librem 5 is now available at a reduced price of $699, down from $999. Grab yours now! #Purism #Librem5 #Savings…

🚀 📱 phosh 0.39.0 is out. Some highlights:

- #phosh: folder support, night light quick setting
- #phoc: wakeup-key handling (to prevent accidental unblank)
- #squeekboard: New layouts, lots of layout improvements
- mobile-settings: Allow to manage custom quick settings, allow to toggle whether to ignore hw keyboards, many new translations

Check out the full release notes at…

#librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

Funding available for (individual) #FOSS #developers and projects.

#NLnet is seeking project proposals between 5.000 and 50.000 euro.

Currently open for proposals:
1️⃣ #NGItaler (electronic payment related)
2️⃣ #NGImobifree (Android related)
3️⃣ #NGIzero (very broad)

Closing: 1 June 2024

Easily submit proposal:

More info:


#MobileLinux #Linux #opensource #librem5 #pinephone #mobile #phone #software #grant #EU #mobian

Check out the ongoing series where we explore how Purism differs from Big Tech competition. We are covering various aspects such as formation, operating system, hardware, privacy, security, freedoms, and more. Stay tuned for some eye-opening insights!…
#Purism #Librem5 #BigTech #TechDifferences

End-to-end hardware encrypted chat is now possible on the Librem 5 using its onboard smartcard!…
#purism #librem5

Want to use OpenPGP smartcards to encrypt chat? We do, and we have a demo!…
#openpgp #librem5 #purism

Purism is an ardent defender of personal privacy, strong security, and civil liberties.…
#Librem5 #Purism

Purism advances modularity and is a supporter of the right to repair, which ties to the ability to own your product. The Librem 5 and Liberty Phone start with fully open code but continue all the way to open hardware schematics.…
#Purism #Librem5

No Surveillance, No Data Mining, No Clicking On "I Agree"- The Way Technology Should Be.

#librem5 #Purism

Securing the supply chain in a geopolitically charged world is very challenging, and we have various solutions and products to address common threats to the most severe.…
#librem5 #Purism

Just want to quickly share with #linuxmobile folks that the new #libcamera softwareISP does indeed work with the #librem5 - and with a #PipeWire + #GStreamer pipeline. Here's a first image running Warp (from Flathub).

There's still some stuff to iron out to make this work reliably and ship to users - but things are falling into place.

Purism invented true convergence years ahead of Apple, Google, or Microsoft—and those companies still have not accomplished it.…
#convergence #librem5 #Purism