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Items tagged with: stormydaniels

Blanche implies that someone else is writing Trump’s social media posts, the ones Trump posts under his handle on a website that he routinely tells people is the “true voice of America.” lol 😂

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

Prosecutors enter a series of tweets into #evidence:

Trump attacking Senator John McCain

Trump insisting he never inappropriately touched 2 women who claimed he had

Trump complaining he’d lost female supporters, all from 2016

Defense lawyers fought the admission of these tweets.

Georgia Longstreet describes the posts from the stand.

There’s now a TruthSocial post from March 2023 in which Trump, in colorful terms, denies an affair w/ #StormyDaniels.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

Longstreet’s testimony, including a description of the #WaybackMachine, which archives old online postings, is a good primer on #socialmedia basics, for folks who need it, may be necessary for some #jurors, I think during voir dire one said they used a flip phone & had never “seen a podcast”

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

During this technical dry testimony, #Trump again appears to be sleeping.

Trump tried to spin this Thurs afternoon in a post to Truth Social:

“I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!”

However, SEVERAL people in his world have confirmed privately that he has been sleeping in court.

.#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

After Justice #Merchan explained #Trump’s freedom to speak as a #witness, he concluded, “please let your attorney know” if you have any more questions. Note that Todd #Blanche, the lead defense #lawyer, nodded along when Trump made the comments in question outside the courtroom yesterday.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

Today’s #TrumpTrial testimony 🧵
Friday, 3 May, 2024

Custodial witness, Doug Daus, a forensic analyst in the Manhattan DA’s office will continue to testify about obtaining audio from the phones of #MichaelCohen, #Trump’s former fixer.

Yesterday’s 🧵:…

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

#TrumpTrial 🧵 Thurs, May 2

charges are falsifying business records to hide #HushMoney payments in lead up to 2016 election to #influence electorate

just one Trump supporter at the courthouse draped in a Trump flag.

#StormyDaniels's lawyer, #KeithDavidson, to return to stand. He negotiated the hush-money payment at the center of the case, & is expected to lay out details of the deal.

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #KarenMcDougal

Prosecutors play a portion of a conversation w/ #KeithDavidson that #MichaelCohen secretly taped.
“Nobody’s thinking about Michael,” Cohen says, referring to himself in the 3rd person.
In the recording Cohen said #Trump hated “the fact that we did it.” Davidson clarifies this in response to the #HushMoney payment to #StormyDaniels — a key piece of evidence, that would seem to corroborate Trump’s knowledge of & involvement in the deal.

#criminal #law #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#Bove ends his cross-examination of #KeithDavidson.

Re-direct from prosecutor #Steinglass, who reads through a transcript of Davidson's recorded discussion w/ #MichaelCohen.

Davidson is asked to clarify that Michael #Avenatti, who by then was #StormyDaniels’ attorney, was denying a number of developments.

The discussions between Davidson & Cohen, he testified, were about Avenatti efforts, not coaching Stormy's words.

#Trump #criminal #law #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#KeithDavidson said he thought #MichaelCohen was recording him because they were “structured conversations” & seemed “self-serving." + Cohen spoke on those calls differently than usual.

After that, defense played a taped, private conversation between #StormyDaniels' lawyer & Cohen in which Davidson talked about people having “settler’s remorse,” a reference to Daniels.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

FYI #Necheles, defended #TrumpOrganization in a #criminal #tax #law #case 2 yrs ago.

#Bove questioned #KeithDavidson if Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler, offered to indemnify #StormyDaniels from liability she incurred relating to the #HushMoney deal.

Davidson said that Flynt offered, but Daniels did not accept.

Bove then questioned Davidson if #MichaelCohen secretly taped people. Davidson acknowledged he believed Cohen taped him at certain times.

#Trump #criminal #TrumpTrial

Lots of "I don't recalls" from #KeithDavidson during this cross-examination. #Bove is trying to make him appear dishonest & unethical.
Presumably, Bove is going to suggest that the money to #StormyDaniels may not have been paid to cover up an affair, but because #Trump was being shaken down.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#Bove tried to create distance between the #HushMoney deals & #Trump.

Prosecution tried to atttibute the deals to Trump, the boss overseeing #MichaelCohen.

Defense is trying to tweak the whole story to frame everything as something orchestrated by #KeithDavidson, Cohen, #StormyDaniels & Daniels’ manager Gina Rodriguez.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#Steinglass finished questioning #KeithDavidson in an abrupt conclusion. Before he finished, Steinglass asked Davidson if he had any stake in the outcome of the trial. Davidson said that he did not.

#Trump's lawyer Emil #Bove on #CrossExamination of Davidson, fmr #StormyDaniels & #KarenMcDougal lawyer.

Bove begins by establishing that Davidson has not met Trump.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#KeithDavidson explained an interaction w/ #MichaelCohen re a statement to fmr #CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

In Feb 2018, the #StormyDaniels story was getting attention in the news.

Davidson testified that Cohen asked him to provide a statement stating that Cohen was the source of the funds.

#Steinglass asks why he drafted it despite knowing that #Trump was or would be the ultimate source of the funds.
Davidson says that at the time of the transaction, Cohen had put up the money.

#law #TrumpTrial

#MichaelCohen texted #Keith Davidson that #StormyDaniels "just denied the letter...claiming it's not her signature...she said she did it in front of you."

Davidson said, "She did. Impossible — she posted it on her own Twitter page."

"They showed her signature & she claimed it was not hers on Kimmel," Cohen said.

"Wtf," Davidson said.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#Steinglass presented texts between #MichaelCohen & #KeithDavidson about a statement prepared before #StormyDaniels' #JimmyKimmel appearance in Jan 2018.

The statement said that she was denying an affair w/ #Trump. Asked how truthful that was, Davidson testified that it's technically true because no one had alleged a #relationship between the 2 of them. He said a relationship is an ongoing interaction.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#KeithDavidson was asked about texts w/ #MichaelCohen referencing the State of the Union address that #Trump was going to deliver - so this was happening as Trump was running the country.

Davidson testified about how handling both #StormyDaniels & #MichaelCohen made his life very complicated.

Prosecutor #Steinglass grilled Davidson on how Daniels's denials were not believable, important to counter arguments by defense.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

mid-January 2018, #MichaelCohen texted #KeithDavidson that he had tentatively scheduled #StormyDaniels to appear on #Hannity (she never did)

#Steinglass asked why Cohen was pushing for her to appear on the program. Davidson answered that Cohen believed Daniels would further deny the sexual encounter w/ #Trump.

Cohen had a relationship w/ Sean Hannity, a Trump supporter. In 2018 before Cohen’s guilty plea, it was revealed that Hannity was a #legal client of Cohen’s.

#TrumpTrial #law

Davidson testifies about many phone calls & texts from #MichaelCohen after WSJ’s article came out.

Rothfeld its author says:

“The statement of denial from #StormyDaniels just shown in court seemed like an obvious non-denial denial when I was reporting on this story at the time for The WSJ. 1st of all, it came from Michael Cohen. How would he have had access to her? Second, she said she didn’t receive #HushMoney from ‘Donald Trump’—we knew it was Cohen who had paid.”

#law #Trump #TrumpTrial

#Trump claimed on social media that this stmnt was “JUST FOUND” (it wasn’t)
He was penalized $1k for that as a violation of the #GagOrder.

#KeithDavidson reads #StormyDaniels's denial aloud.

#Steinglass: “How would you characterize the truthfulness of this statement?”
“Did you intend for this statement to be cleverly misleading?”

Davidson: “I don’t understand the question” & added he would “never” use the term “#HushMoney”. He prefers the term “consideration.”

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

#KeithDavidson testimony re the #HushMoney deal:

Prosecutor #Steinglass: Did you send a denial to Stormy to sign?

Davidson: "I don't recall."

Prosecution presents a Jan 2018 statement from #StormyDaniels, in which she denied reports of a relationship w/ Trump, a denial she would later rescind. Later, she would say that while she did not have an affair w/ #Trump, she did have sex w/him.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

More on #MichaelCohen signing “on behalf of” #Trump:

#KeithDavidson said Cohen signed the documents instead of “David Dennison”, which was the alias they used for Trump.

Prosecutor #Steinglass showed the doc in court & the signatures from Cohen, #StormyDaniels, & Davidson, but there wasn’t one from Trump.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

#KeithDavidson is asked to go over the specifics of the #HushMoney contract w/ #StormyDaniels & #MichaelCohen, which was signed “on behalf of” #Trump.

Davidson confirmed that Daniels' contract had a $1M liquidated damages provision, meaning that Daniels would be obligated to pay $1M if she breached the contract.

Davidson added that Cohen was the person who insisted the provision contain an amount so high.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

#KeithDavidson starts off by reminding the jury how bad things had gotten between him & #MichaelCohen. #DylanHoward, the editor of The #NationalEnquirer, had to step in because Davidson believed Cohen was “not telling me the truth” about the delay in receiving a #HushMoney payment for #StormyDaniels’s story.

Prosecution next shows Davidson text to Howard saying he has received the #HushMoney payment: “funds received.”

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

Justice #Merchan signals he continues to have little patience for #Trump’s comments about the #jury, saying they were mostly #Democrats.

Pretty sure he’ll be penalized for at least those comments.

The #GagOrder violations hearing is over.

Hopefully Merchan will give a ruling soon on it.

Short break.

#KeithDavidson, #StormyDaniels's lawyer, is back on the stand for more questioning from prosecutors.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

But the judge asks, isn’t it possible to respond to #Biden without actually mentioning #StormyDaniels, a potential #witness?

[also Biden isn’t under a #GagOrder, threatening any #witnesses or facing multiple #criminal charges]

#Trump appeared to get frustrated during this exchange & motioned w/his hands.

#law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

#Trump atty #Blanche argues the purpose of the #GagOrder is to “protect the integrity of these proceedings” & that none of the 4 statements at issue were disruptive to the trial, & continues to say Trump’s statements are responses to political attacks.

Blanche mentions a comment from President #Biden at the WH Correspondents' Dinner in which the president made an oblique reference to #StormyDaniels, saying that Trump had been experiencing “stormy weather.”

#criminal #law #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

Davidson’s testimony on Tues ended w/how he had started to doubt #MichaelCohen would pay the $130k.

Before the day ended, Davidson said Cohen forwarded him an email from First Republic Bank vouching for his solvency.

In addition to #StormyDaniels, Davidson represented #KarenMcDougal, a Playboy model who had a year-long affair w/ #Trump. McDougal also received #HushMoney —$150k from the parent company of The #NationalEnquirer.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

#TrumpTrial 🧵 Thurs, May 2

charges are falsifying business records to hide #HushMoney payments in lead up to 2016 election to #influence electorate

just one Trump supporter at the courthouse draped in a Trump flag.

#StormyDaniels's lawyer, #KeithDavidson, to return to stand. He negotiated the hush-money payment at the center of the case, & is expected to lay out details of the deal.

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #KarenMcDougal

Joshua Steinglass asks #KeithDavidson if he knows 2 key witnesses: #DavidPecker, who the jurors already have heard from, & #MichaelCohen, who they’ve heard a lot about. Steinglass is tying Davidson into the case, helping the courtroom understand where he’s situated. Davidson just said that he represented #StormyDaniels as her lawyer — Daniels, whose name has been dangled in front of jurors several times, is of course another key player & potential witness.

#Trump #TrumpTrial #law #criminal

Prosecutors call #KeithDavidson, who negotiated 2 deals before the 2016 election that paid women from Trump’s past in exchange for their silence about sexual or romantic relationships w/him. He was a lawyer to #StormyDaniels during the #HushMoney transaction. He also represented #KarenMcDougal, a former Playboy model who was paid $150k by The #NationalEnquirer’s parent company for the rights to her story about a 10-month affair w/ #Trump starting in 2006.

#TrumpTrial #law

#Gary Farro is reportedly a bit irritated w/ #Blanche, #Trump's lawyer. Blanche suggests that Farro opened up a shell corporation, & Farro bites back: “I don’t open up shell corporations. I open up LLC accounts.” Blanche is directing jurors' focus to what #MichaelCohen did -- that is, effectively start a shell corporation that was used to pay #StormyDaniels. It’s a way to attack Cohen through Farro, making the former fixer sound deceptive & potentially criminal.

#TrumpTrial #law

Mangold, one of the prosecutors, walked the banker Gary Farro through a wire transfer that occurred immediately after Essential Consultants LLC was created. The documents displayed show that on Oct. 27, 2016, #MichaelCohen & the LLC wired $130k to Keith Davidson, #StormyDaniels’ lawyer at the time. Cohen wrote that the purpose of the wire transfer was for a “retainer.”

#Trump #TrumpTrial #law

#GaryFarro is testifying about LLCs & know-your-client forms. The prosecutor questioning him has asked him to spell out what LLCs are. Know-your-client forms are used by banks to verify who a client is.

“Everything was urgent w/ #MichaelCohen,” Gary Farro testifies about Cohen’s interest in opening his acct quickly. Cohen used the account to make the hush-money payment to #StormyDaniels.

He says Cohen did not make it clear that it would be used to pay a porn star.

#Trump #TrumpTrial #law

Justice #Merchan explicitly called #Trump’s claim that reposts don’t count as violations of the #GagOrder “counterintuitive and absurd.”

Justice Merchan rejected the defense’s claims that Trump had merely reposted the messages from others and that he had largely been acting in response to political attacks from two potential witnesses in the case: #MichaelCohen & #StormyDaniels.

#TrumpTrial #criminal #law

#Pecker suggested that #MichaelCohen buy #StormyDaniels's story, leading to the #HushMoney deal, repayments & records at issue.

The prosecution’s discussion of the deal w/ #KarenMcDougal —brokered in summer 2016— demonstrated that the payment was part of a #conspiracy to #influence that year’s #election.

Pecker said that McDougal’s payment was disguised as a contract for services, to avoid violating #CampaignFinance #laws.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference #CatchAndKill

#Pecker testified that as part of the #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #AMI paid #KarenMcDougal $150k for her story, w/no intention of ever publishing it.

Pecker expected repayment from #Trump. He asked #MichaelCohen who would handle it, & Cohen responded, “The boss will take care of it.”

Because Pecker had such a hard time getting Trump to pay, he was unwilling to buy the 3rd story: #StormyDaniels’s.

“I am not a bank,” Pecker recalled saying.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

#Trump is charged w/falsifying 34 business records to cover up a $130k payment to #StormyDaniels, who has said they had a sexual encounter in 2006 & was shopping that story in the weeks before the 2016 presidential election.

Trump denies the charges & ever having had sex w/ either woman.

He could face probation or prison if convicted.

#law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference