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Items tagged with: 3dprint

Vacuum robots.... It can't get into the bathroom over the doorstep, but it tries to go over the laundry hanger and gets stuck there every time. 🙄
Second version of possible solution:…
#VacuumRobot #3DPrint #Laundry

Nevěděl by nějaký zkušenější tiskař, jak tohle trošku zkrátit, aby se to vešlo na desku i3 mk3 a zároveň zůstaly zachované rozteče, velikosti děr apod.? Rozdělovat to a lepit je asi blbost. #3dprint…

(profil 1 - GR86)

When we bought this Ikea Hållbar litter bin I instantly knew that it's only a matter of time before one of us throws the inner frame together with the bin content to the garbage.
And on last friday I fulfilled my own prophecy.
Luckily I found out there already is a model ready to #3DPrint, so I don't have to do it myself.…

One simple life hack:
Is your robot vacuum cleaner trying to pass directly over your laundry hanger bottom bars? Is it often getting stuck there?
Just #3DPrint and mount these feet and make the bar a bit higher. Robot then registers the bar as regular obstacle and just goes around. 👍…

Prosbička: Je tu nějakej 3D tiskař? Kolik by mě u vás stály 2-3 kopie týhle spojky?…

#3dtisk #3dprint #Bosch

I finally finished upgrade of my 3D printer:
✅ Magnetic, PEI covered steel bed
✅ Improved dual print head rigidity
✅ Repetier firmware replaced by Marlin…
#3DPrint #Rebelix #DIY

I finaly upgraded my 3D printer:
1️⃣ switched from #Repetier to
#Marlin firmware
2️⃣ replaced heat bed thick PEI foil mounted by paper clamps by magnetic PEI covered steel sheet
3️⃣ replaced defective extruder termistors
#DnesBastlím #3DPrint #DIY #Upgrade

New home project: Shelly extension for Vidja lamp from Ikea. #EspHome #Ikea #Shelly #IoT #3DPrint #FreeCAD #esp8266 #HomeAssistant…

New home project: Shelly extension for Vidja lamp from Ikea. #EspHome #Ikea #Shelly #IoT #3DPrint #FreeCAD #esp8266 #HomeAssistant…