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Items tagged with: AllenWeisselberg

#HopeHicks is asked about #KeithSchiller, who was #Trump’s longtime bodyguard. Schiller is a fmr NYPD detective.

Hicks is asked about others who were in Trump's close circle, such as the #TrumpOrganization's fmr CFO, #AllenWeisselberg, & Trump’s assistant, #RhonaGraff.

Trump’s eyes are glued onto Hicks as she begins her testimony. This is the most alert he’s been since the trial started.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #NodFarter

Tape Transcript:

“I need to open up a company for the transfer of all that info regarding our friend, David, you know, so that — I'm going to do that right away," #MichaelCohen said. "And I've spoken to #AllenWeisselberg about how to set the whole thing up."

"So, what do we got to pay for this? 150?" #Trump asked.

"...funding. Yes. Um, & it's all the stuff," Cohen said.

"Yea, I was thinking about that," Trump said.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

👀 #MichaelCohen says he talked to #AllenWeisselberg, who was the #TrumpOrganization's CFO. Cohen references “the financing,” & #Trump interjects, “What financing?”

The call related to the #HushMoney deal made w/ #KarenMcDougal.

#Jurors are hearing Trump in the OvalOffice discussing a hush-money payment.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

Finished w/describing the series of payoffs, #Colangelo details the part the #criminal charges stem from. He is describing the paperwork arrangement to reimburse #MichaelCohen for the #HushMoney payment he made to #StormyDaniels, & how #Trump & #AllenWeisselberg, sought to “disguise” the repayment.

There were chuckles in the courtroom as Colangelo says Trump was a "very frugal businessman" who watched all the spending at his empire.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy