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Items tagged with: BlockList

I should probably also say about #blocklist management:

I don't think you can have a perfect blocklist. I don't think that is achievable.

It is more a matter of "what is this blocklist good for, what will it be used for, and what precautions does it take?"

The lower the consensus needed? The higher the problem of amplification.

We've seen this time and again. It's not a new problem. It predates the fediverse by _literally decades_.

Sources that depend on each other or on your consensus #blocklist need to be considered as an existential threat to the reliability of the list. Without protections against these most* consensus lists should be considered highly suspect or even completely invalid.


To reiterate: my problem with consensus #blocklist approaches is that they present a "false consensus" of the world.

Whatever biases are in the source lists? Are present in the output. Often amplified.

Whatever priorities are in the source lists? Are present in the output. Often amplified.

The idea is to remove biases, but that only works if biases in your source lists are _normally distributed_

Which they aren't. Thus: amplified

But this is obscured and it is presented as "more fair."


Note to whoever boosted this Christofascist's introduction where he said he was banned for his opinion without saying what his opinion was:

You MUST ask what the bannable opinion was!!!

Anyway heads up to other mods: I bet Mastodon.Online will ban him soon, so keep an eye out.

#FediBlock #Christofascism #Homophobia #Transphobia #BlockList