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Items tagged with: CRIME

#Republicans — 3 who went on to work in the #Trump admin, while the 4th, #Comey, would eventually become one of Trump's chief adversaries. #Pecker, escorted by #Kushner, walked into that #shitshow & was then asked about #KarenMcDougal by the then president-elect.

Pecker testifies that in front of Comey [#WITNESSES!], the head of the #FBI, Trump thanked him for purchasing the stories - & likely committing AT LEAST 1 #CRIME in the process, as Pecker well knew.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

#Colangelo says that jurors will hear #Trump, in his own voice, urging the money be repaid in cash. This doesn't connect Trump to the actual #crime, which only relates to a payment to #StormyDaniels. But it suggests a pattern of behavior.

Colangelo is now describing the emergence of the "#AccessHollywood" tape on Oct 7, 2016, beginning w/ email outreach to Trump spox #HopeHicks. Colangelo reads aloud the worst of Trump’s language, bragging about grabbing women's genitals.

#law #TrumpTrial

As #Colangelo says that #Trump orchestrated a #criminal scheme to #corrupt the 2016 presidential election, Trump shook his head.

Trump has attacked Colangelo on Truth Social repeatedly. #StochasticTerrorism

Colangelo has outlined the #crime, & is on to the #GrandJury #indictment of Trump last year. His opening is expected to take >1 hr.

#law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

EXCLUSIVE: Defense attorneys for the man accused of attacking former SF Fire Commissioner Don Carmignani say the person shown in this video bear spraying a homeless person in the face appears to be Carmignani.

The video, taken in November 2021, is part of a trove of new evidence that has come to light that may link Carmignani to a series of bear spray attacks on homeless people.

These new revelations may jeopardize the case against Carmignani's alleged assailant.

"I would say my client is acting in lawful self-defense," a defense attorney said.

Read the full story HERE:

#SFBA #SanFrancisco #Crime #Homelessness