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Items tagged with: Illegal

Ticket-App der #UEFA teilt #Standortdaten der Nutzer mit #Polizeibehörden

"Die für den Stadioneinlass notwendige Ticket-App der UEFA trackt die Nutzer und teilt den Standort mit Polizeibehörden. Die App-Stores erwähnen dies aber nicht."
#TeamDatenschutz #Illegal…

I think that this #ableist #eMail bs should be #illegal and does not satisfy the notification requirements.

Also even for #abled people this is just bad, since a lot of them - like myself - will be sometimes if permanently on #WWAN like #2G, #3G or #4G and thus not download attachments at all, but only the text.

And yes, I do also automatically mark all #HTML - #eMails as #Spam so they won't even show up in my #Inbox.